About Me - GAD123

My photo
Belfast, N.I., United Kingdom
I first got on the net over 15 (2009) years ago and have had my own site for at least 7 (2009) of those years (a place where I could dump the misery of my everyday life!), you can see my fist efforts @ www.freewebs.com/gad123 and my current blog @ www.gad123.co.uk . I am a kind person, smart, (I know that is subjective) and witty, the dry, sarcastic type! I am told that I am easy to talk to and am very laid back. I enjoy playing poker, listening to any music, watching movies & American TV shows, love going to the pub, dancing on a Saturday night and am a bit of a nerd as I own a Wii, PS3 and built my own PC! I am a creature of routine, love the night time when all the exciting things happen, am a bit of an insomniac and love getting trashed at the weekends! If you want, you can catch me on MSN @ graham@gad123.co.uk! Take care and enjoy you browse around this GAD123 Page!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Dyslexic Poems...

I have written about it before, I am dyslexic and in real terms it makes it tough when writing anything i.e. posting here. My spelling is rubbish and so is my grammar and working in advertising, putting together ad's I know it's nearly impossible to proof on screen ergo that is why things don't often read that well here or as they are supposed to. Anyway with that in mind (excuses made, lol) I started to write a poem for Dimples, I have no idea of structure, rhyming couplets and all that jazz though! This is what I have completed so far, it's crap and I know it, so you don't have to tell me but it is a little amusing:

Short and Sweet...

Short and sweet,
I said, she had fat feet,
It's my mistake,
I was wrong.

We met on the net,
You and I,
I was not prepared for what came next,
Per chance to make a nest.

Slowly, slowly,
We make our way,
Towards that big day,
'If' is what I will say.

I must also say that I download WWE Vengeance 2006 to watch at the weekend, along with ECW One Night Stand 2006 and while on the subject of the weekend I booked a suite at a local hotel in the country for Dimples and I on Saturday, just to get our heads showered! Played poker last night down at the Fortune Rooms (Pic to the left), 46 players and I came 22, was ok. Went all in with AA (average stack so not under pressure to do so) and was beat with pocket 8's when the turn gave him trips! Ah well. Have a good day folks!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Talking about waste of money! :: The Infamous Jamie Lynn Spears Facial Clip :: Borat's Bikini Beach Bash :: Sophie Howard, Sexy Nurse V. Sexy Baller :: This kid won't sleep for a week :: Good Old Eamon Homes

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Oh Imogene, you sly devil but happy days as you won them all a task victory! Is Lea really an alco, do they already know about the second house and are BB pulling the wool over our eyes more than ever before, I think so!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance"

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Just Tweaking Plan B...

Oh what a gay old day. On Monday night I did some PC tweaking, just speeding up the opening of files, clearing out the bird dropping left by old programs in the registry and the like. It was a bit of a nerdy evening. I also updated my PSP Firmware to 2.71, messed about with the RSS feeds, download some demos and that. This all inspired the tech news bit that follows!

I like trying to make this site work well with the search engines, I have went through this in detail before but goal one was getting through all the sandbox issues, etc and now it's surviving the Google, Live, etc search engine updates. When I look at the stats for here, I particularly like the keywords section. Some of the words that link here and that people search on are dam scary! Anyway yesterday I seen this and it made me smile. My little blog must rank well and I must be doing the correct things, see the pic below, 2nd out of nearly 1 million (I am now first!) WoW!:

Plan B GAD123 Google Results

Stumble Upon Toolbar

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Collect any E Mail Account Online :: BT Telemarketer Encounters Consumer At His Last Straw - VERY FUNNY :: David Bowie: A Space Oddity, Live :: Mythical Ireland

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Why, Oh, Why does everyone fancy Pete? Don't get me wrong, he is a fantastic bloke and I would probably have a go at him but would they, in the real world, at the pub? I think not! Not one of those girls would look twice at him, ergo their motivation is... *sigh*

TODAY'S TECH NEWS :: Apparently mobile phone users here in the UK sent a record 3.3 billion text messages in May! OMG! Also a Spanish firm is to sell subsidised routers as part of a plan to turn domestic wi-fi networks into public hotspots. Fon will sell wi-fi routers, which allow people to surf the interwebnet wirelessly, for only £2.75. They have me interested and Mr A will have something to use up that extra bandwidth NTL have thrown at him now! The firm aims to create public wi-fi networks street by street across the whole of the USA and Europe.

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Suburbia: Where they tear out the trees and name streets after them"

Monday, June 26, 2006

Male Rape Supports Developed World Economy…

Today I decided to make a respectable post, no space filling, just something witty and informative, probably. I want to highlight to every man that ever has and ever will live on this planet of ours, something that you must be made aware of, something that has probably happened many times without you realising it. It's a subject area I am sure we all have encountered but never talk about and one that we never recognise, until it’s to late. The following is a true account of what happened to me on Saturday and I intend never for it to happen to me again, hopefully.

Dimples and I wanted to get something nice for dinner on Saturday, I could not face some random McJunk food or carryout Chinese and had more than a little craving for Cesar Salad from Marks & Spencer’s. So that's where we went but instead of just picking up some salad I found myself at the checkout, with an empty basket, a mound of bags in front of me filled with items like pink Champaign, entering my PIN and without memory of what had just transpired!

How do women do this, I am neither dumb nor uninvolved but I had just been hood winked, surely? Did I really just spend that much on dinner?! It would have been cheaper to fly to Toronto and eat in the revolving restaurant at the top of the CN Tower!

Now that was only the start, because before I fully understood what had actually happened I was standing at another till, this time in a shoe shop (I know what you are going to say but I was not thinking straight after the M & S incident, caught off guard and did not have the wits to stand outside looking bored and uninvolved like the other men), handing over cash for a “cute pair of red satin pumps”! Huh??! The only real memory I have was Dimples saying she wanted to ‘have a look’ at the shoes. Surely there was no harm in looking??! Now I don’t know about you but I enjoy looking at stuff, gadgets, PC anything electrical really but that means, have a look, in literal terms. I commit to memory what is available, what is current and up coming so that, if the occasion arrives and I need or want one of these products, I will be well informed. Apparently to girls / women / ladies ‘looking’ actually means ‘your buying’ and it’s only taken me 31 years to realise this!

Upon leaving said shop I felt uneasy, dirty, violated, raped if you will. How did this happen, do women have one of those pen like devises from Men in Black to erase memories? Is it a case of X-Men mind control powers? Maybe it’s more sinister and the shops are in on the scam too, all smoke and mirrors! Whatever, I am determined to get to the bottom of this, can you help or is there a women ready to talk, naturally in confidence, about how the deception is preformed?

Now obviously I get something in return for this apparent kindness on my part but somehow an hour’s peace to play poker does not seem worth it!

I never really understood why gangs of men are to be found outside woman’s shops, I always like to take an interest in these things and Dimples, being a modern man but now I know how silly I have been. Men beware, women are dangerous, calculating shoppers and my advice is always, ALWAYS forget your wallet when you venture near a shopping centre, wife, GF, lover in tow! The word needs spread men and maybe a self-help group could be formed for those of us, like myself who have gone too far down the path, placing your entire wages in the control of your partner!

TODAY'S MINI REVIEW :: Harsh, difficult, gritty, catchy, intelligent, witty and highly enjoyable. Check out Plan B - Who Needs Actions When You Got Words. The CD arrived on Saturday and has been on repeat ever since.

TODAY'S LINKS :: Real Male Rape Help :: I said it would happen and I recon this is just the start of it... :: Find the lowest UK petrol price in your area! :: GAD123 Stumble Upon Page :: Mobile user interfaces – its time for a new paradigm

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Is Nikki really anorexic and how much better looking, day by day, is Imogene looking as she gains weight and curves?

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Procrastinate now!"

Friday, June 16, 2006

Glastonbury Celebrations, in a Tent and that...

Been up to my eyes, ergo, to busy to post. Had a lovely weekend, X-Men on Friday night (very good flick) and drinking, started early on the Cider (Weston's Organic and the like) and watched the match on Saturday, while Dimples caught up on some marking. Passed out a 9pm after a mini pub crawl and dinner at Wolseys. Sun, guess what, yip on the drink again and a poker tournament, in which I managed to come 5th and in the money. It was a good showing but all down to being drunk and the bravado spilling over! There was no Wednesday night game to take the momentum and carry it through unfortunately but it worked out ok because I played in my toughest tourney yet, at a local casino, The Fortune Rooms (I never knew it excisted)! The game was a £25 freeze out and lasted late in to the night. The last hand I had was AQ against K9, I should have won it but was busted out by a pair of 9's, a well. Anyway, the guys from the Wednesday night game had a good showing, 6th, 5th, 3rd and 2nd! I always knew Kayeso's home game was of a good standard! Oh, I came 2nd by the way (had a great chance at winning as chips where 50/50 when I busted out), netting me £175!

Have another interesting weekend coming up. It's that time of the year when I celebrate Glastonbury! Yes I know there is no festival this year but I am off to a friends, as I have done for the past 9 years, making this my 10th, to camp out, eat space cakes, get drunk and talk rubbish until the sun comes up! It's just great and I get to catch up with all the people I have not seen for the last year. Dimples is coming too, hope she does not find it all to weird and childish! lol The weather is not that great but I love being in a tent when it's raining!

Glasto Weather 

Lets see, what else have I been at, bought a cool fan, watching the World Cup, moved my PC because it was over heating in this weather, bought War of the Worlds DVD because it was cheap, listened / watched Podcasts (Adam and Joe one is just like the TV show, very funny), played poker, worked, blah, blah, blah, you get the idea.

Have a good weekend folks and make sure you all download the Windows XP update as it's a biggy and fixes some major security flaws.

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: New Sniff Petrol Mag :: Throwing Paper Game :: New F1 Store :: Maze Frenzy :: The Desktop Tool That Lets You Have It All :: The Simpsons Quotes

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Stop the bitching and swearing, please! Looking forward to Grace leaving as then the group will come together and we will see the development of more interesting relationships.

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Rehab is for quitters"

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Forget A&J's Music Related Interests...

P align=justify>On Tuesday I spent some time with iTunes, sorting out my music collection, removing duplicates, uploading some new CD's I got, etc and am left with a total of 5869 songs and 25.82 gigs of hard disk space taken. I happen to think that it's a fairly good collection. What size is yours? I must see if I can locate some kind of average stats for this sort of thing, god I am so anal! I also spent some time updating Podcasts and locating new ones, like Adam & Joe - I must get there DVD's [*edit - It just so happens that they are releasing a DVD of the show on the 19th and you can pre order it from Play for only £5.99, I got it] as the shows they produced where fantastic, check out the Adam & Joe Show Wikipedia entry if you don't believe me, again a show that started 10 years ago, boy life is flying by! - and Ricky Gervais video cast. Have not watched or listened to them, keeping that for when I play poker on Friday evening.

Which reminds me, Poker, anyone play online? Fancy playing in our own room on the internet? Join party poker, deposit some cash and then we can all hook up in our own password protected table, late on a Friday evening!

Here are some topics I want to cover here but keep forgetting about:

  • Lupe Fiasco - Kick Push my fav track at the mo
  • The changing face of the High Street
  • 6 months seeing Dimples
  • The amount of old people there are, like ants
  • How hot the weather is these days
  • Growing my hair long, how I wish
  • The cost of motor insurance in N.I.

Recently I have been reading stuff like this over at Enterprise Equity, go figure;

"For many such Buyout teams, the MBO acronym could stand for something else - Make or Break Opportunity."

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: 10 Things To Make You Want to Puke :: Paris Hilton's First Single Is Terrible :: Jell-O Shot on Fire :: Pink Getting Her Nipple Pierced Video :: We are a brotherhood of men who share the common bond

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Nikki, 9 - 5 is a gift, suck it up! With only half of the golden tickets claimed, who is going in tomorrow??? I hope it's the internet stripper, lol!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up!"

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Has your Mother Got a Plan B...?

Gosh, it's Tuesday already. Had a, um, interesting weekend, which included staying up to 7am on Sunday morning playing poker (ditched the loosing streak) and competing in the Royal Rumble on the PSP WWE game and winning, after waiting half an hour to get in to the ring as I had earned the cavorted 30th entry place! It's a fantastic game, far better than I had hoped but the loading times are dire!

This months little splurge on Play is as follows:

King Of The Hill: Season 1 (3 Discs)
King Of The Hill: Season 2 (4 Discs)
Plan B - Who Needs Actions When You Got Words
Snow Patrol - Eyes Open

Can you believe King Of The Hill is nearly 10 years old??! I remember it started late night on channel 4 and I thought it was fantastic. Lets hope it stands the test of time! I have only heard one of the Plan B tracks and it has some interesting lyrics and surprising guitar tune. Not the usual for an English rapper but worth checking out. As normal I am probably to old and far removed from the target audience to purchase this type of thing but I have followed The Streets since day one and I know this is cut form the same cloth, read from the same page and, if you will, typed on the same keyboard! He lists his main push in to this type of music, musing on life and primarily telling tails of street life and news stories through sedums as, Eminem. It really just sounds like something new, innovative, mixing the new, with the tried and tested, spitting rhymes and telling a story. 'Word to you mother'

In some scary internet news today Bebo UK , a website aimed at young people says it is moving to block explicit photographs from being downloaded onto its site. The move follows concerns from parents and teachers in Northern Ireland about young people downloading photographs and having inappropriate conversations online. Which is completely fair and if anything, security should be stepped up in all areas to protect children. We live in a new world, one that many parents have no or little experience of. Also the row between supporters of a Swedish website accused of piracy and the nation's authorities is escalating. A raid on The Pirate Bay site by Swedish police is thought to have been the catalyst for hack attacks on official websites and even protests on the streets of Stockholm. It's complete madness, tho I fully support their ideals as the industries argument is unfounded, we go to the cinema more, buy move DVD's and purchase more music. GET OVER IT! Go on Pirate Bay and it's users, sock it to the man!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Amazing Fingerball Skilz :: New T-Shirt Hell Shirts :: Yahoo! Netrospective: 10 years, 100 moments of the Web :: 666 day inspires demonic releases :: Nuns are Funny

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Grace, you, my dear, should know better! Maybe I am being naive here but she is very manipulative, a strong character and therefore could / should she win? A nasty piece of work yes but is there anyway we can respect this bint? Think about it; 'It's only a game show, it's only a game show'!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "I fought the lawn, and the lawn won"

Maybe not all true but worth reading...

Not written by me but worth posting here as it shows the differences between men a women quite acutely. Taken from a blog, that stole it from another blog, etc:

I swear that if I wasn't sexually attracted to girls that I'd be gay. At least guys make sense most the time.

First off, girls just talk way too much. When you're with your other girlfriends, go ahead and talk about whatever the fuck you want. I don't care. But why exactly do you think that I care about the kind of day that your sisters co-workers dog had? Your sister is nice enough, but I don't know her co-worker and I certainly don't know her dog. So why the fuck are you telling me this story? I don't care! If you have something worth talking about, then I can enjoy engaging you in a meaningful conversation. But before you start talking to me about some of the inane frivolous shit that you talk to your girlfriends about, first ask yourself "Does this have a point?". Because if it doesn't I'm just going to smile, and nod, and zone out and you'll get mad because I'm not listening to your retarded shit!

Stop over complicating everything. There isn't an ulterior motive or hidden meaning in every other sentance. Unless, I suppose, it's coming out of the mouth of another woman. Because you ladies never can seem to say what you actually mean. You have this weird secret code that you love to try and crack and expect us guys to be able to get in on your stupid game. Guys aren't like that. Rarely rarely RARELY will you ever have to figure out what a guy is actually saying. We say what we mean. Girls have such a skewed sense of logic that this simple concept is often lost on them. When you go searching for some deeper meaning that isn't there, you're just committing to an act of futility. In the end you wind up making up some bullshit and believing that it must be true and acting on that false reality and making a mess of something for no apparent reason other than the fact that you're in-fucking-sane.

Stop getting upset at guys for trying to help solve your problems. That's what guys do. You present us with a problem, we're going to try and fix it. It's in our fucking nature. I know it's in your nature to want to talk about everything, but if you're going to bring up your problems to a guy, expect that he's going to try and do something about it or give you advice. Women always bitch that guys don't listen. It's not that we don't listen, we just don't understand why you're bringing up your problems if you don't want us to do something about it. We're not as empathetic as your girlfriends, so if you want empathy, go to them. Likewise, if guys have a problem, they'll probably only bring it up if they need help or advice. Many women will bitch that guys don't talk enough. It's not that guys don't talk, it's just that your empathy doesn't help solve our problems when we do talk.

One of the most insanely frustrating things about women is the constant reassurance. No, you're not fat. If you were fat you wouldn't be able to fit into that size 2 dress. And yes, you look good. Guys wouldn't be giving you free shit if you were ugly. (There's an ulterior fucking motive for you. Hint: They're not giving you free stuff just to be sweet.) It's so frustrating having to constantly answer those questions, only to not be believed. It's like trying to convince someone that the sky is blue. You're not blind, you're not even color blind. You can see that the sky is blue. Yet you continue to ask what color the sky is. I tell you it's blue. I know that you know what color blue is. And even though I've told you that the sky is blue about fifty-million times, you still have to ask because...I don't know...maybe it's not blue today. The sky is fucking blue goddammit! You're not fucking fat! You're not fucking ugly! You know it, I know it, everyone fucking knows it!

And fuck all you ultra-hot girls that bitch about the most retarded things. Yeah, all men are fucking pigs because they stare at your boobs. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you're wearing a skin tight low cut shirt that has 'Bebe' printed across your boobs... one 'Be' per boob. It's totally unfair that you have to put up with guys staring at you all the time just because you like to look sexy. And boo hoo, it's so hard for you to meet a nice guy. Well actually it isn't, because the shoulder your crying on belongs to a nice guy. He's the one that puts up with all your stupid shit. And yet you some how end up with all the assholes. I'm sure that it has nothing to do with the fact that you're holding out for a six foot tall alpha-male fire fighter with a trust fund.

And finally, yay for you. You sold a freezer to some eskimos. Congratulations on being the hot sales rep. We're all very proud of you for being able to have a nice ass while the rest of us actually have to work for a living. And we're all so excited to see your new diamond jewelry. Your ability to date another rich fucktard that will shower you with expensive bobbles is commendable. And I'll be so surprised and sorry for you when he dumps you for the next hot girl. Because I really thought that materialistic trophy bagger was in love with you. But I'm happy to hear that you wrecked your fifth car while multi-tasking between your cell phone and doing your make up in the mirror. Your dedication to enforcing the stereotype of women drivers is nothing short of awe inspiring. And you're right, I was being a shallow douchebag when I commented on the hotness of Eva Longoria. So lets go see that movie where Johnny Depp makes out with Orlando Bloom on Brad Pitts abs. I know you've been dying to see that one.

Girls...you piss me the fuck off. You do stupid shit and manage to get away with it. You can be the most annoying idiots in the world. Your sense of logic and common sense seems to be a rare gift rather than a common trait. And yet I'm uncontrollably attracted to you. And that's quite possibly the most frustrating thing of all.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Marriage and Kids Equate to Happiness, Apparently...

So this is a weird one today, sort of a rant, sort of to garner opinion. Unfortunately I have to generalise but here goes. Last night I went out for a few drinks with an old friend whom I met 13 years ago. He is getting married today and all being well I am hoping to get to the reception this evening. I have not seen him in a good few years now and it was strange for me chatting to him again. Of course some reminiscing went on and catching up but the weird thing for me is how his personality has not changed at all. He is still a wind up merchant but I seem I have changed so much. I always knew I had but it's not until you have that contrast that it becomes so apparent. He thinks he is a man of the world, knows everything, is loaded and lorded the fact over me that he had his own house, was getting married and planning children, a grown up if you will. All very childish really but instead of reacting like I would have done as a teenage boy to his put downs it really did not faze on me at all, I seen him for someone lacking the personal development and maturity that I have gained.

He is 29 and continued with the calling me old and the fact that I NEED to get married soon, etc, etc. It, in fact, made me think something completely different, compared to him I look younger, feel younger, am more mature, am sure I earn more, look better and am smarter, all of which I don't need to boast about but he feels the need to boast about his trappings of adulthood. Now this all seems like a 'big up yo self' but in fact its not. It just proves how people judge, are arrogant and need to gain material worth to make themselves feel better than there fellow man. It leads me to muse about why I do not feel the need to get tangled in this, I know so many people who are similar, get a faster car than their friends, a bigger house, boast about their kids schooling or how much they earn, etc. I just don't get it. Why is happiness' measured this way?

I 'just' want to do the right thing in life, when and how I choose, for the right reasons, not because society dictates it. There are people that I care about and I want to look after. I had prepared myself for a life of being unmarried and alone because I know so many unhappily married people, which, I was happy about. Then Dimples arrived and now I am not alone but that does not mean I am being fast tracked to marriage and 2.4 (I am sure this stat has changed now) children. If (I know I will get killed for saying 'if' lol) it happens - because of the person I am - it will be because I / we want it and not because society has pressured us in to it or so we will be seen to 'do the right thing'! We live in 2006 but it seems, in small town Northern Ireland that people are still stuck in a 50's mentality of marriage and kids, with a dash of 80's, flash the cash mentality!

I have no idea what today's teenagers life will be like when they are 30 (maybe they will travel in flying cars) but I am sure getting married and having children will not be their no.1 priority and happiness will be measured in a more appropriate fashion than today and not in pounds and pence. I am also not down on marriage, when it works it is a fantastic thing, my parents are nearly 50 years married, I also happen to think that I would make a great father but having kids is a very serious business and not something to be under taken lightly. Anyway, I don't really have a conclusion or point, just committing to text my thoughts on the subject. Your thought's are appreciated too.

On a possibly lighter note, I read this and found it interesting, they called it "the profession" and it was one of the hardest jobs in the world to get.

The stats are in for last month and again, as every month this year we have an increse in visitors but unfortunetly not many more commentors.

January 2006 - 4985
February 2006 - 5398
March 2006 - 11100
April 2006 - 12965
May 2006 - 14486
TOTAL: 48934

Well that your lot, time to move on folks and get your kicks elswhere. Have a great weekend!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Oasis' album 'best of all time' shocker :: Google Hacking :: BBC website shows World Cup games LIVE :: Free Online Manga Viewer :: Card Toss Game :: Flat Pack Toys to Print Out and Make :: Study in to The Development of Friendships in Virtual Worlds :: The Eighties Club

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Get Sezer out guys, out I say!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Frankly, Scallop, I don't give a clam"