Ahhhh, what to post today!? Someone said I was good looking last night and I was trying to quantify that! I mean I aren't no Brad Pitt and thankfully I don't sing for Motorhead, so how do you rate looks? Taste comes in to it for sure, as does dress sense, hair style - I lacked one last night - etc! Are there 2 scales for looks? The Johnny Depp one for models and such like, the one from which I am exempt (have a government pass) and the Postman Pat one for all us normal people, like me!
Anyway, anyone who wants to tell me I am a hot and sexy stud, fire away, especially if you want to see me all red faced from the sheer embarrassment of it! Tho I must warn you it may also mean you will become my date for the prom!
Oh, some more things. Coldplay are coming here in December, I should really go to that as they are one of my favourite bands! Today Britain was to announce new measures to combat extreme Internet pornography, read more :: here ::. As the song goes "Where does that leave me on a Friday night with my new high speed connection?"
TODAY'S LINKS :: Bunny Suicides - Sorry Amy but it's a fact of life in Watership Down World and yes they do all go to bunny heaven :: 40 Things That Only Happen In Movies :: What do you think of the new site images created by Pandairo? :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Interpreting Dating Site Photos :: The Rules of Immigration - Bon Voyage Bro!
REMEMBER KID'S :: "Or what? You'll release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you?"