About Me - GAD123

My photo
Belfast, N.I., United Kingdom
I first got on the net over 15 (2009) years ago and have had my own site for at least 7 (2009) of those years (a place where I could dump the misery of my everyday life!), you can see my fist efforts @ www.freewebs.com/gad123 and my current blog @ www.gad123.co.uk . I am a kind person, smart, (I know that is subjective) and witty, the dry, sarcastic type! I am told that I am easy to talk to and am very laid back. I enjoy playing poker, listening to any music, watching movies & American TV shows, love going to the pub, dancing on a Saturday night and am a bit of a nerd as I own a Wii, PS3 and built my own PC! I am a creature of routine, love the night time when all the exciting things happen, am a bit of an insomniac and love getting trashed at the weekends! If you want, you can catch me on MSN @ graham@gad123.co.uk! Take care and enjoy you browse around this GAD123 Page!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Lost Perversions in Cars...

Here we go again, I post anything to do with sex, in this case the Imogen tape that has surfaced and I get a stack of hits and e mails. You are all perverts and I guess that makes me one too! I suppose this time I could forgive you all as it is just an extension of Big brother and the voyeuristic streak in all of us, though... It's funny that the internet has become so many peoples porn kick and equally amusing that only a few years ago that cinema was the only outlet and source of such things! I have posted before about what all this could be doing to society and time will, I assume, tell.

It's Tuesday, my car is at the garage, getting serviced - I will report back tomorrow how that went but I expect then to try and rip me off - tyres, breaks, etc. That's £300+ notes dead but at least it is out of the way for another year!

It's not often that I go begging... As anyone who is on MySpace will know, it's mad the lengths that people will goto, to get attention, asking for comments on pics, etc all the time, it's dam right annoying and I delete serial bulletin posters! Today is different though, today it would be nice, if you do come here regularly, to leave a comment of some sort. With stat's I know that there are the lerkers who keep coming back for more but I don't know who you are, if you have your own blog, nothing. So make me happy and make your experience that little bit better by saying "Hello, I read your blog"! Work, work, work *sigh* I will not discuss it here but understand that it's a fairly major deal for me at the mo, consuming my daily life, thoughts and generally weighing me down. Lets all hope that the resolution I want, is the conclusion I get!

Seen the final Lost of season 2 last night, as usual not much information given in the way of simple answers but thoroughly enjoyable none the less. Have more questions and will be hooked on season 3 I guess! Well that's you lot today folks, have a lovely day, I am off to continue with some research!

TODAY'S LINKS :: Spider Boy Dancing... :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Send Free Text or SMS Messages :: Generate It Graphic Buttons :: Drug Slang :: South Park Movies and Clips on Google Video :: Launchy is a free windows utility designed to help you forget about your start menu

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Interesting task and the resulting evections on Friday will be worth watching!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "If you are what you eat, I'm fast, cheap and easy!"

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hot Birthday Buyouts...

This weather is sickening, I know I am miserable but I hate the sun and the heat! Have my MOT, Amy's 21st birthday (who I have not bought a present for as of yet, sorry Bunny) and the whole work thing is coming to a head, arrrrggghhh! I am just looking forward to chilling out tonight and then hopefully Dimples will facilitate some very welcome fun on Saturday! What a week! Have a good one guys!

TODAY'S FUN FRIDAY LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: New T-Shirt Hell Shirts :: How to tell if she is faking it! :: Tampon Toupee :: Find the Real Captain Jack Sparrow :: I wonder what the end of this new Rocky movie will be? :: 30 things you didn't know about Chuck Norris

TONIGHT'S TV TO WATCH :: Holyoaks at 6.30pm on C4, Channel4 News at 7.00pm on C4, Big Brother Live Eviction at 8.30pm on C4, South Park on Paramount Comedy at 9.30pm, Big Brother Live Eviction at 10.00pm on C4, WWE Late Night - Bottom Line at 12.00am on Sky Sports 3, Penn and Teller: B*******! at 1:20am and again at 1:55am on FX - Highly Recommended - After that it's just a case of flicking around or settling for a music channel if like me you are up all night!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "The trouble with life is there's no background music"

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Big Brother and Miss Wales Imogen Thomas Sex Tape...

So a video of Imogen Thomas of Big Brother UK fame has emerged *sigh*

Imogen Thomas Sex Tape

Lost in the Sky...

Over the weekend I tried to set up SKY's broadband movie download service, what a shambles! First you need Windows Media Player 10, I have 11! So rolled it back and then had problems with the DRM (digital rights management) folder! Still can't get it to work, have tried all the fixes and to top it off now I am having problems playing DVD's! I also read this today, sort out your current sh*t first SKY, that's my advice! All very frustrating. Anyway staying with the movie theme do you all know you can watch the first 24 minutes of A Scanner Darkly online, free? Well you can, just by clicking here. It looks like a cool flick, totally me, through and through!

Lost was amazing last night, the last eps is next Monday and I want it to arrive NOW, hmmm on second thoughts I don't as then it's finished until season 3! Must say it's set the finale up perfectly. Staying with TV, I have no interest in Love Island but the arrival or Steve-O is sure to stir things up so if anyone watches, keep me posted on his sananagans!

I am so tired today, trying to turn my life around after sleeping all day and staying up all night is tough. So sorry if it's a bit rambley today. Hating this weather too, hate the summer anyway but this heat and sun is taking the p*ss. I can't understand why you lot are complaining tho, you prayed for a good summer!! 1 last thing, I am going to try and free up some time to look at secondlife.com, with MySpace now being more popular than Google and Yahoo, big companies and their agencies are struggling to understand the implications of social media mixed with online entertainment. A part from that I hear people are making a good living selling virtual flowers there!

TODAY'S LINKS :: New Playboy Poster :: Song Quotes By Johnny Cash :: Amsterdam Guide :: 10 Possible Outcomes of Gnegg’s Space-Time Paradox

TONIGHT'S TV TO WATCH :: On Tuesday we have Hollyoaks at 6:30pm on channel 4, Andalusia: The Legacy of the Moors at 7:15 PM on Channel 5, Big Brother at 9.00pm on C4 or maybe Goldfinger on ITV4 at 9.00pm, finally it's got to be Love Island at 10.00pm on ITV!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "My dog can lick anyone!"

Monday, July 17, 2006

Guess Who Is Back...

Hey folks, ya miss me? Nah thought not! I had a lovely holiday, well it was more like an extended weekend, full of drink, merriment and going to bed at the same time I got up this morning! Now it's back to the old grind stone, trying to eek out a living from within these office walls and for what, a fistful of dollars to purchase things in an attempt to lift my mood and forget about working in this box. A circle, not quite vicious, maybe more of a soulless circle. Yes, before you say anything I am down but remember I have been off for a week and it's Monday! *sigh* Normal service will resume tomorrow!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: See how fast you can type! :: Scrabble Q without U Words :: The Great Big List of Things that Make Me Angry :: Howard Marks :: MSN Pranks

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT TONIGHT'S TV TO WATCH :: Ok on Monday we have Holyoaks at 6.30pm, Channel 4 News at 7.00pm on C4, The War of the World at 8.00pm on C4, Big Brother on C4 at 9.00pm followed my Lost on RTE2 at 10.00pm and finally Big Brother's Big Brain at 11.05pm before bed!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Don't treat me any differently than you would the Queen."

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Free Swimming on USA Day...

I had a fantastic weekend, drinking, eating lovely food, the little break in the country, walking the Ulster Way, playing Crazy Golf, buying a new fish (called him Kanya), watching the football (Why is Rooney not getting more stick for being sent off and reacting like a twat?!), watching the F1 race (go on Shu) and generally having fun. You can check out some pics here, as I finally updated my MoBlog!

SKY TV called me yesterday - they always do at this time of the year as there is no football fixtures - offering me the movies and sports, the whole deal for an extra £10 a month for 3 months. Sounds great and every year I take it but it's only after that I realise, I never watch sports, I have seen all the movies and the ones I have not see I never find the time to watch! Well done SKY, you got me again!

I watched a great program on channel 4 last night, I can't understand why it was given a late night slot when it's target audience is probably teenagers and kids, it was also very entertaining, interesting and deserved a better time.

Channel 4 produced a program about this before, that one was shown maybe 3 years ago and I had heard of it before that. You may never have known it existed but I bet you have tried it! It's called Parkour or free running, that is, moving through the urban jungle your own unique way, fluid, like water if you will. It's all very spiritual but at base level it's jumping roof to roof, fence to fence, pillar to post by some very fit, skilled men (weirdly no women featured in the shows, well possibly 1 or 2, maybe their boobs get in the way) with huge balls! The BBC have a great page about it, with pics, video and history, click here to have a look!

To finish off today it's STAT WHORE TIME again:

January 2006 - 4985
February 2006 - 5398
March 2006 - 11100
April 2006 - 12965
May 2006 - 14486
June - 14283

TOTAL: 63217

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's UPDATED LAST NIGHT! :: Watch the world cup live in ASCII :: Freestyle Music Refuses To Die :: This is kinda funny. Be careful of what you purchase... :: Funny Doctor

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: 2 houses, great idea but them all knowing what is going on... SUCKS!

TODAY'S QUESTION :: Why do old people wear those huge sunglasses? You see them in 80's shows about Vegas but they are everywhere now!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "If you were born again, would you have two bellybuttons?"