About Me - GAD123

My photo
Belfast, N.I., United Kingdom
I first got on the net over 15 (2009) years ago and have had my own site for at least 7 (2009) of those years (a place where I could dump the misery of my everyday life!), you can see my fist efforts @ www.freewebs.com/gad123 and my current blog @ www.gad123.co.uk . I am a kind person, smart, (I know that is subjective) and witty, the dry, sarcastic type! I am told that I am easy to talk to and am very laid back. I enjoy playing poker, listening to any music, watching movies & American TV shows, love going to the pub, dancing on a Saturday night and am a bit of a nerd as I own a Wii, PS3 and built my own PC! I am a creature of routine, love the night time when all the exciting things happen, am a bit of an insomniac and love getting trashed at the weekends! If you want, you can catch me on MSN @ graham@gad123.co.uk! Take care and enjoy you browse around this GAD123 Page!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Delivering Tired Sunshine...

Firstly, I am making my font bigger, what do you think? It's bright sunshine here, not a cloud in the sky, warm and everyone seems happy. I am so, so tired you would not believe. Got home and spent the evening cleaning and setting up new system, mounting speakers on the walls, clearing out my old stereo, retiring it to the roof space and sorting the aftermath. Did not get to bed until like 2am. Did not even get a chance to play around with the settings and surround effects *sigh* Can't do it tonight either, unless I start until after 12am when everyone has left but that's my time to relax, with the old VRB and online poker, still waiting on an optical cable for the DVD recorder anyway but that should arrive today. I can't believe how quickly the system was delivered, the box was the size of a fridge and weighed in at nearly 30kgs, with delivery only costing £9.00! If you are looking to get something for your PC, some electrical goods or cameras, I can recommend Pixmania. Have a look at the delivery details and times:

Paris - France Shipment picked up April 26, 15:30
Paris - France Departing origin April 26, 17:51
Paris - France Departed from DHL facility April 26, 19:35
Paris - France Arrived at DHL facility in April 26, 22:28
Paris - France Departed from DHL facility April 26, 22:57
Paris - France Arrived at DHL facility in April 27, 02:24
Paris - France Departed from DHL facility April 27, 02:08
East Midlands - UK Arrived at DHL facility April 27, 04:50
East Midlands - UK Departed from DHL facility April 27, 04:52
East Midlands - UK Departed from DHL facility April 27, 08:43
Belfast - UK Arrived at DHL facility April 27, 09:21
Belfast - UK With delivery courier April 27, 11:14
Belfast - UK Shipment delivered

Mey made an interesting post here, go see what you think!

Well that's the week done, done and I assume you are all off for the bank holiday. So that makes it a long weekend and boy do I need it, tho I am really busy I am sure I can catch up on some Z's! Have a good one folks and I will see you on the other side, the links below should keep you occupied until my return.

BANK HOLIDAY LINK-O-RAMMA :: View What I am Currently Listening to in Real Time :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Red Bull Facts :: Nice place to live! :: Tampon Easter Bunny :: That is one lucky and dumb buck :: Pinata Accidents :: They must have an exciting and busy life... :: I can never find a GOOD calculator when I need it! :: What a great bet, you gotta click!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "If there is no God, who always pops up that next Kleenex?"

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Choose Being Sad...

This is all relevant of course but I feel quite down today, don't know if it's because I lost poker last night (tho I doubt it - Thanks for the game Kayeso), whether being left alone in work to run the company is getting to me, my future prospects, the usual lack of quality sleep, the fact that I am without some hash for the first time in 16 years (which is a whole other story that will not be posted here), things in my personal life like my Dad being ill again or maybe my weekend plans are just not exciting enough but there you have it I am down! Don't get this confused with depression or anything heavy, I am just feeling pressure (which I normally don't) and it's leading to me in to a little mood today. I just want a simple, hassle free, secure life and it's never going to be that way, is it? Do I ask too much tho? Maybe I should just shut up as my life is not that bad!

Let's move on shall we, I posted this years ago but as I like it so much I decide to give it to you again with a few little updates, enjoy:

Choose Me:

Choose long sleeve T's. Choose smoking quality weed to the early hours on Saturday morning playing online poker. Choose avoiding the sun, sitting in a darkened room with your head down and sighing at every given opportunity. Choose very little sleep and only in the day time. Choose smoking Marlboro Reds. Choose polishing your shoes every night. Choose Amsterdam and never going on a summer holiday. Choose buffed nails. Choose heartburn. Choose rain. Choose listening to the most out dated (and bizarrely pop, rock, dance, all quality music and even chart stuff!!) music you can find and believing that people don't like it coz its to hardcore for them, not because its utter sh*t! Choose drinking copious amounts of Bud and VRB (Vodka Red Bull). Choose goldfish. ÇHöö§Ë måkîñg üþ ¥öü® öwñ üßË® ËËt Hå×ö® §þËËk (OK, I just thought that was funny). Choose staring at a monitor till your eyes bleed. Choose UT2004 and pressing T by mistake 'aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww'. Choose more fans because it's too hot. Choose more hits and cursing those bots. Choose only communicating via SMS and living life online! Choose pwning your foe. Choose dancing. Choose watching animation. Choose connecting every bit of electrical equipment in the hope that only one remote control can carry out any task from your bed (even the lights, he he he). Choose being really anal about the slightest detail in the most pointless of subjects. Choose the Sunday Times. Choose food on the go. Choose always being right, even when you are not. Choose being perverted. Choose a force feed back mouse, a THX surround system, and a 42" plasma. Choose life. Choose Me!

TODAY'S LINKS :: Sitting in seat 29E? :: Wine Tasting :: Wicked Weasel :: Monthly World population figures :: Fart fetishism

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Don't make me mad. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies"

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Skint, Site, Speakers...

Just a couple of things to go through today, first here is a graph of the stats, you can clearly see the spike equating to 3000 hits, mad really but that's spam bots for you!

GAD123 Site Stats

I needed to do some work on my GAD123 Website, it's so out of date and needs a complete overhaul. I changed some stuff, so you can have a look and see if it's any fresher. I will work on the content over the next few weeks. While I was doing that I was reading what life for me was like 2 years ago, this is today's post.

26th April 04 - You want an update, you got one... added a poll, which you MUST register a vote on and I removed the hated clock, HAPPY, lol!

So in memory of that I have added another Poll, why don't you go and vote here!

I went ahead and ordered the Logitech Z-5500 Digital THX Certified 5.1 Speaker Set after reading this review and I can't wait for it to arrive next week, even tho I am now Fleesed! Here is a pic of what I am expecting in the post, it's huge and coming all the way from Paris, mad!:

Logitech Z -5500

TODAY'S LINKS :: Location Free TV on your PSP :: Adult Web Cams Anyone? :: How they named companies :: A Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide :: The Streaking Game

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Every time you open your mouth, some idiot starts talking"

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tatty Offices and Positive Results...

The weekend is over and we are now well in to the week, being Tuesday of course. Not much to report on the weekend, the usual drunkin antics and late nights playing poker! Tonight I am seeing Dimples, then I have the Wednesday night poker school, Thursday is cleaning day as normal, Friday have my monthly charity gig and Saturday there is a BBQ at Neil and Ali's if you want to pop over for a beer and burger all are welcome, Sunday I am not too sure about and as Monday is May Day I am off work!

On Friday my Dad got results back and he does not have cancer but he is on yet more tablets and has to return to the doctors in a month. It's not fair on him really, he has broken lots of bones, had all sorts of illnesses, got blown up in work which mean he can't walk, blah, blah, blah and more recently had 3 heart attacks, a triple heat by pass and now this. I know he will out live me but why does 'god' seems so intent on trying to kill him and make his life miserable??!

The spam here is getting out of hand, a couple of days ago I actually had over 3000 hits in one day! Anyway all I can do is remove it and hope that they don't come back for a few weeks! Just noticed today that on Thursday at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06, I think!

This post is all over the place, what else do I need to say, our offices in work are having a make over, which is very disrupting but also nice as quite frankly the building was a bit tatty. One last thing as my monthly treat I am torn between a Nintendo DS (6/10), a Sony PSP (7/10), the Logitech® Z-5500 Digital Surround Sound System (8/10), a media player (5/10) i.e. Archos AV500, tho the PSP has that covered or some sort of handheld PC (7/10) i.e. a Palm! Any ideas or comments on this are very welcome.

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's UPDATED TODAY :: Poker Cheat Sheet :: The funny Devvo :: New T-Shirt Hell shirts - I want the Scientology one!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "The box said Windows 2000 or better. So I installed Linux"

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Poking Dimples...

Today I will write a little about me and what's going on with my friends and such like. Well lets see, John is still being antisocial and not drinking, tho I don't know how the no smoking is going. I have not heard from him since Saturday but I am hoping he is up for hanging on Friday. I dare say it will not happen, as usual. Neil is back on Friday also so that means there may be a poker game or something going down (The pub, I hope, lol), maybe combine this and invite John, tho I actually think more than one person would scare John, in his advanced state of "I don't wanna see anyone" phobia.

I have been helping Dimples to learn the finer points of poker playing, not that my game is that good at the moment. I have been all over the place, what works in an internet cash game does not work in a home game, and what works there does not work in an internet tournament, etc. I think I know what my problem is tho, I get a big hand, pocket cards and try to make moves with them, get called and they catch with the community cards, also I try to end hands quickly, instead of milking the nuts because of this 'they may get lucky' fear. I need to go back to the basics, disciplined, tight, aggressive and milk the nuts (that sounds dirrrty)! I am trying to get Dimples to play like a rock but she gets emotional about hands, bad beats and other players, which ultimately gets her in trouble! Have a look at this Poker Cheat Sheet, it will give you a good base to work from, if you are interested.

I played a lot of internet poker over the Easter hols, drinking redbull and vodka (VRB), and smoking Marlboro Reds till like 5/6am in the morning. I had a good run, building up my bank roll to $300 but now I have fallen back to a profit of $40 for the last 5 weeks play. See ^^above^^ for what I am doing about this. Unfortunately Dimples was ill and it kinda mess up what we had planned for Easter, so we are hitting Wolseys (the pub) on Saturday night, seems like soooo long since I was last down there (about 2 or 3 weeks), can't wait and we have the holidays to make up for.

That's it really, you are up to date, the status quo at work exists, getting my hair cut tonight, my family are all good, tho waiting for my Dad's cancer test results on Friday and I am still holding out for that elusive lottery win. Yeah, like it will ever happen. Oh, also I got a lot of hits mentioning Teagan Presley (possibely the greatest porn star ever), also got the pic I post hijacked so here it is again and some links about her. Have a good day and thanks for dropping by folks.

Teagan Presley

TODAY'S LINKS :: Nostalgic 80's Advertisements :: Google Mail :: Teagan Presley on My Space :: Teagan Presley on Wikipedia :: 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense :: Bird and Moon :: Optical Camouflage

Funny Pictures
Click here to view more funny pictures

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run, he hates that"

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Big Deal at Easter...

OMG, I have nothing to say, no wisdom to impart or gossip to spread. On top of that I am down today. Now this is probably due to lack of sleep, getting in late from poker (which I lost miserably) and the pressure in work, so I have my reasons but I need to write something! It's the last post before Easter Hols and I can't see me being sober enough to get my act together, to post, until they are over! Anyway I have to think of something to write, I mean you have read this far, investing time, therefore I must give you something to make it at least SEEM worthwhile. OK, OK, click on the photo *looks right* that's my collage I made for my bathroom.

Think, god dam you, um... As you all know I don't read and have acquired the Sin City books, which I am slowly working my way through, well I bought my first book! *shock* It's - Big Deal: One Year as a Professional Poker Player by Anthony Holden. Now he is better known as a London newspaper columnist and a biographer of the likes of Shakespeare, Sir Laurence Olivier, and the British royal family. He is a well respected author and not the type of person I would imagine to write a poker book and that's what intrigued me. Poker is a seedy world (It was 15 years ago when the book was writen), suited to unemotional types, accountants, mathamatitions and the like but a arty farty writer, surely not?! Here he is tho, giving up a year to pursue his dream as a Pro. Sounds interesting to me.

Right folks, that's your lot and as it's Easter you know I am off to sort out the problems of the world, heal the sick and give to the poor. Have a good holiday and enjoy the links below.

TODAY'S LINKS :: "cybersex" - Funny :: Trend Watching :: Getting Gored :: Nintendo DS Emulators and the like for PC :: Gizmodo - The Gadgets Blog :: HASSLE ME - Tell us what to hassle you about, and we'll nag you via email at semi-unpredictable intervals.

REMEMBER KID'S :: "The last time politics and religion were mixed, people were burned at the stake"

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Hardest Way to Write a Blog Post...

It's Tuesday, I took yesterday off work so it feels like a Monday. I can sum up my weekend in 3 words, Lost, Drunk and Cute! If anybody can figure that out, cool as I just don't see the point in writing up my weekends anymore, they are all a bit samey, fun none the less but I don't want to bore you all, now do I!?

As I write this I am eating the most delicious cherry scone, mmmm! I am the only one in the office and it's been like that for a week and a half now, again not going to bore you all with the long story about why, lets just say it's very depressing and a bit institutionalising staring at the same white walls, alone!

I received the new Streets album - The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living and have now listened to it 3 times. It's a little short at 37 minutes but has all the same whit and little observations about life we all notice but fail to see. Skinner has moved on with this effort but it does not stand up to the previous offerings unfortunately. Are The Streets and Mike Skinner still my favourite artists?

So you all can get to know me a little better I have filled in this little MEME, enjoy:

1 MINUTE AGO: On the phone making sales
1 HOUR AGO: Making Coffee
1 DAY AGO: Happy it was raining
1 YEAR AGO: Contemplating life on my own forever
I LOVE: Getting a bargain
I HATE: Ungrateful People
I FEAR: Having to go in to Hospital
I FEEL: Something...
I DRIVE: Everyone up the walls! A Clio!
I MISS: Skydiver crisps
I NEED: To save some money for a sunny day
I KNOW: Nothing of any interest to you
I THINK: Therefore I am...
I AM: A Twat (most of the time) and a great kisser!
I HAVE: A new monitor and a hard drive full of porn, lol
I LIKE: Having fun, drinking, working, playing poker and kissing Dimples!
I WISH: There was a better way
I WONDER: About aimlessly looking for something...
I DANCE: As often as I can
I CRY: Sometimes but it's been a while!
I SPRAY: When I say. I don't really...
I SEE: Girls, here there and everywhere?!
I WANT: Security
I CAN'T HAVE: World peace, my family to live forever or even a painless death!
I GAVE UP: When I know I am beat
I WANT TO CHANGE: My fitness regime, lol!
I YEARN: For life to be less complex and preasurefull
I AM JEALOUS: Of no one
I WISH I COULD: Fly like Superman
I WORRY: About very little
I HOPE: One day to make people proud to know me
I REALIZED: My happiness is dependant on other peoples happiness
I DREAMT: That I was saving the world again...
I CAN: Always see the positives
I WON'T: Let you down!

TODAY'S LINKS :: All New T-Shirt Hell Shirts :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Paper Toys - Just print, cut, fold and glue :: Work Happy :: Jim Loy's Billiards/Pool Page :: This is a real University Essay titled, "Planes, Trains, and Plantains: The story of Oedipus"

REMEMBER KID'S :: "I didn't climb all the way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian"

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bill Gates Bitch Talks Gadgets...

So what am I going to talk about today, well at the risk of being branded Bill Gates bitch again I am going to go a little geeky on you lot. Microsoft Live has been kicking around for a little while and I have been messing around with it. It's not quite made it as my home page but it's nearly there and you should check it out.

So what is it? Well I know there is a lot of argument over who's original idea it is *get off your high MAC horse, I have no idea how you can see the screen from up there anyway* but I first discovered the joy of 'gadgets' and RSS feeds (I have covered RSS feeds before here and if you don't yet know what they are you should not be left alone with a PC, never mind turning it on and actually operating one) using a nice little home page provide by BT and Yahoo a couple of years ago. I have since moved on from BT, the scum that they are and have been looking for a way to replicate that environment. If you are familiar with this then 'Live' will be second nature to you. Basically it's a page where you can display feeds of your fav sites like, BBC News, in little modules but more than that you can install programs or 'gadgets'. Some examples would be a calculator, world time, weather and going further than that games like hangman, IM client or HTML editor.

Anyway it's what I have been looking for and fills a need for me, it's easy to set up and I think if you have not used this type of thing before you will find it very useful. My only real gripe is that the themes are a little wishy washy and girly, I mean who wants pastel shades on there PC, it's a bit gay but then it's not like you can do much with XP, is it?

TODAY'S LINKS :: Great Blog :: A Shock for Kermit :: Lesbian Toon Stuff :: SAFETY CHARTS FROM INDIA :: Exploring the most beautiful parts of England :: Unofficial Windows 98 SE Service Pack 2.1a

REMEMBER KID'S :: "If you believe in telepathy, think about honking"

Monday, April 03, 2006

Bowling for Money...

First off and further to some posts here, links here and comments on other sites, in the news over the weekend, the number of suicides in Northern Ireland soared by almost 50% last year! Why? Maybe we all need to talk to someone and there are people out there that don't have that luxury or choose not to talk to anyone, sad as it is!

Anyway it's another depressing Monday here in Northern Ireland, I say depressing, it's not really, the sun is out (not that I dig that sort of thing), there is a fresh breeze in the air, I am working, have a great girl friend (who I offend greatly, lol), money in my sky rocket, what more could a man want?!

Who wants to know what I got up to this weekend? Anyone? Well you are getting it anyway. Bowling with Dimples and Poker. That pretty much sums it up. I started playing No Limit cash games this weekend, never really played them before as the one time I did give it a whirl I lost like $25 in five minutes. However I now seem to have the measure of the lower stake games and I have finally learnt to be aggressive, yay! Played the .10c/.25c, .50c/$1, $1/$2 and finally the $2/$4 games. I made a lot of money until I started playing the $2/$4, maybe it was my lack of skill, bankroll or there was collusion but I could just not get a hand where everyone folded to me, I was bullied all over the place and paying for the privilege. Least I knew when to get out. Most of the pots where $100+ so there is money to be made but for whatever reason it's beyond me at the minute. Anyway I cleared $150 profit for the weekend, so that's cool but I don't think I will play as well in tournaments anymore but we shall see.

I got my photo's developed on Sunday and after the fear of what could be on the camera they turned out grand! A little random, some a bit blurred but I will get what I need to make my collage for my bathroom!

My new monitor is sweet by the way, the quality is as expected but with the larger size I can now, play poker, watch TV or a DVD, surf, collect mail, blah, blah, blah all at the same time. It's rare that I concentrate on one thing at a time, I just need more going on, a product of the MTV generation if you will and this way one screen provides all I need, combine that with my new chair, Vodka and redbull, cigarettes and a foot massage (I wish) from Dimples and I think it amounts to a perfect evening!

This week I have lots of crap to do, some of which is not too exciting and others are very exciting! There are some poker games to attend, Dimples to see, cleaning my car as it's a state, organise my MOT, work, make my photo collage, reinstall XP (maybe), have lots of half watched DVD's to finish off, catch up on sleep and all the boring day to day crap! I also purchased the new Streets CD, I know it got panned by the critics but I got to get it and judge for myself! I am still wrecked from staying up to watch the Formula 1 race, which is cool as it was very enjoyable, shame Alonso has such a good car really. OK that's my crap post nearly completed for the day, hope you all have a great Monday and here are some visitor stats, as it's:


January 2006 4985
February 2006 5398
March 2006 11100

TOTAL: 21483

TODAY'S LINKS :: View What I am Currently Listening to in Real Time :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Pain in the English Blog :: Cliché Finder :: THE HEDONISTIC IMPERATIVE

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Forget world peace; visualize using your turn signal"