About Me - GAD123

My photo
Belfast, N.I., United Kingdom
I first got on the net over 15 (2009) years ago and have had my own site for at least 7 (2009) of those years (a place where I could dump the misery of my everyday life!), you can see my fist efforts @ www.freewebs.com/gad123 and my current blog @ www.gad123.co.uk . I am a kind person, smart, (I know that is subjective) and witty, the dry, sarcastic type! I am told that I am easy to talk to and am very laid back. I enjoy playing poker, listening to any music, watching movies & American TV shows, love going to the pub, dancing on a Saturday night and am a bit of a nerd as I own a Wii, PS3 and built my own PC! I am a creature of routine, love the night time when all the exciting things happen, am a bit of an insomniac and love getting trashed at the weekends! If you want, you can catch me on MSN @ graham@gad123.co.uk! Take care and enjoy you browse around this GAD123 Page!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bunch of Arse...

What to say today, hmmmm. OK some stuff I have read about on the interwebnet. Google last Tuesday introduced click-to-play video ads, a move that reflects the coming of age of video on the Web as more consumers embrace broadband. I for one am scared, the man is going to follow me and you everywhere!

CNN reports that a new version of Blade Runner will be released by Warner Home Video in a few months, for the 25th anniversary of the original film's release. From the article "After a limited theatrical release, the newly spruced-up "Runner" will be released in a multidisc special edition DVD that also will include the original theatrical cut, the expanded international theatrical cut and the 1992 director's cut". I for one, can't wait!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Check out The Tap Room blog at the Shooters Arms, it's funny and all Pubs should have one :: A look at the evolution of dance by comedian Judson Laipply, the funniest 6 minutes you will see

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Why not more Indie Kids, Goths or Skaters in the BB house?? They are all trendys or Chavs!! They NEED to be more representative! George has gone, well done you and some new more tipical BB peeps arrive, happydays, bring on the bitchfest!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "What we need is a patch for stupidity!"

Friday, May 26, 2006

My Illness Pledge...

It sounds gay but I feel ill today but am not ill, hope that makes sence, it does to me, I just can't be bothered. Think I am just burnt out after a tough week on my own at work and not getting to bed early enough.

I think Sunday's race is my favorite one of the season, I am talking about Formula 1 and the track is, of course, Monaco GP and the TV Schedule on ITV is as follows: Live qualifying:

Saturday 27 May 1230-1425 ITV1
Live race: Sunday 28 May 1200-1520 ITV1
Highlights: Sunday 28 May 2350-0055 ITV1
Highlights: Tuesday 30 May 0355-0450 ITV4

I came 5th in Wedensday nights game, Kayeso changed the setup a little - £20 Freeze out, 20,000 chips - and I liked it more than the unlimited buy in, I still suck tho. It seems the more risky the move the more causious I become, something that I would not even flinch at online, instintively played and correctly, is completly different in real life, I hesitate and find it hard to put people on the correct hand. Maybe I need to stop playing the cards and board and (as you should, tho not as important online) play the player. I know they play me and each other but find it tough to risk half my stack on a gamble! Anyway I have a fairly subdued weekend to look forward to but that's what I need and I am looking forward to Dimples company. That's it folks, have a great weekend and please have a look at the $100.00 laptop pledge below.

I thought you guys might be interested in a pledge by Mike Liveright to 'purchase the $100 laptop at $300'. Simply by clicking here you can show the world that you're ready to start making a difference, alongside other like-minded people.

Mike Liveright's pledge will close on 31st October 2006 and it only needs the support of 100000 people before it goes into action.

$100 Dollar Laptop

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Dawn's Gone Shocker and Boner (Bonnie) Gone Tonight!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Practice safe lunch: Use a condiment"

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

No Porn Today, Just Me...

I may not actually have much to say today, I could talk about the Northern Ireland Assembly, England's world cup preparations, Soccer Aid, Big brother, my PSP, Work, Poker or indeed life but they just seem so boring today, does anyone even care about me or what I have to say? Every man and their dog has a blog and I am sure they commit to HTML something more interesting and informative.

3 Days on the drink over the weekend has left me in a sorry state, dehydrated and most probably on the road to another poker loss tonight. Work is really up in the air and instability is all around me. I need an escape, not just for a few hours but a holiday. Again we (Dimples and I) have a trip planned but, with the instability it's on hold, I hate to over commit myself and make plans that are not going to turn out 100%!

To improve my mood I must remember it's Wednesday (half way through the working week) and I have Monday off to look forward to (a Bank holiday no less), we have a fantastic F1 race on Sunday in Monaco, I will do another 3 days on the drink, pay day is approaching, Dimples scored a permanent English / Journalism teaching position and I ordered this crap from play:

WWE: Smackdown Vs Raw 2006 (PSP)
The League Of Gentlemen: Series 1 (2 Discs)(PSP)
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (PSP)
Movie Charge Stand: Illuminated PSP stand with 20-degree viewing angle
Soft Carry Case
DataCharge USB Cable
In-Car Power Adapter
Speaker and Earphone Splitter
Removable Screen Protectors
2 UMD Cases

Maybe all the stuff in paragraph one does not matter, maybe here is just for me, a little therapy and an opportunity to work things through. Tho maybe doing it in front of 2500 visitors every week is not the best idea I've had! Ah well, life rumbles on, sometimes I feel I am riding it, other times I feel I am running away from it and today I just feel like I am be trampled and finally gored by it! I am sure the feeling will pass in a few hours. *edit It has passed!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: New T-Shirt Hell Shirts :: Handy programs to put on a USB stick :: Feministing :: Free button maker :: Dark Horse Comics :: Shahbaz walks out of Big Brother :: Gambling put my life on hold - Online Poker Addiction

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHTS :: Gosh! Has Nikki had a life changing moment over Pete, maybe she has realised it's not all me me me! Sezer and Imogen, the kiss was a tiny little bit sweet, I know he is a player but she has met his type a million times before! Shablam, gone! *poof* - Pun intended!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Liberal Arts major: will think for food"

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

More Porn Thoughts...

Last night I listened to a Radio 1 documentary titled 'What's Wrong With Porn?', you can Listen Here. Now on a Monday night at 11.30, every week, BBC Radio 1 broadcasts a doc, usually unrelated to music, aimed at a teenage audience and I always listen in. They cover subjects that are relevant to events of that week and the subjects are as diverse as the Paris riots to American Presidential Election. I find them unbiased, real, interesting and some what informative and last nights was made from the same cloth and ties up with the Bare All Sex Survey.

It was presents by Goldie Lookin Chains Maggot and looked at the arguments for and against pornography. From the HIV scare in LA which shut down the $4.4 billion porn industry last year, to the streets of the UK where hardcore pornography is made in bedrooms and vans. It discussed the R18 certification, internet porn and the changing attitudes to porn. Amusingly and worryingly Maggot started by explaining that when he was young a rain soaked jizz mag was the closest to porn as anyone got, now it's everywhere! Funny because that's true but (and I am not talking about the new R18 certified DVD's) worrying because the young people of this country could be exposed to quite disturbing 'acted' scenes of abuse towards women, with what unknown affects that could have on some ones sexual development and attitudes towards women.

Personally I think that there is nothing wrong with porn, we have all seen it, 'used' it and made up our own minds about it. I think that any adult should be able to consume as much porn as they wish, though I do however think that some lines have to be drawn as to how far the 'acts' can be pushed and most importantly the children must be protected. We now live in a world where sex is everywhere, especially with the internet and TV stations openly promoting all types of sex, just look on Sky TV to find 10's of channels, a lot of them free, selling sex. With a generation of kids growing up on this stuff we have no idea how this will impact on society.

There is a market out there for everything, I have seen it all, some of it very disturbing (Grannies *shudders*) and some very pleasant [wink] and I do think that it has a positive roll to play in satisfying some ones messed up desires so they don't have to seek their depravity by other, more sordid means. The single most interesting thing is to me and I can't figure out how this can be, is, why pornographers pick up on the latest technology before anyone else? Porn drives technology and technology drives porn. 3G, interwebnet, interactive DVD's, I could go on and on. Some of the things are amazing, yet it takes traditional movies years and years to catch up, if they ever do. Why is this? Would you not want to watch King Kong from multiple angles, interactively decide his fate or even just play around with the beast himself. Already the porn movies are getting released in HD DVD, lets see where they take Blue-Ray and the next gen consoles!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's UPDATED :: Mini-Putt Game :: Silly Walks Generator :: What is Techno Music :: Google Fight

TODAY'S BIG BROTHER THOUGHT :: Shahbaz is mad and it will be great to see him have a nervous breakdown on live TV. All that invasion of personal space by him would so get on my goat.

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Let's skip the insults and get right down to your butt kicking!"

Friday, May 19, 2006

BB's Results for the Weekend...

So a few things to get through today and first I will start with Big Brother. I bet if any one of you with a My Space account looks at there top 8 friends they would probably fit right in there in the Big Brother house. The truth of it is we all our entertained by extremes but if we look at our own real life friends we maybe have 1 friend that matches the BB criteria. In a nut shell we don't like most of the BB contestants but still are entertained and interested in the life's of these people.

Loath them or love them, it's back for a 13 week run and I for one can't wait for the drama to unfold. I think tourettes boy is fantastic but am disappointed with the chicks, tho Imogen seems nice and how com their are so many rich kids in there. Anyway, enjoy because I know will!

My Dad's 2nd test did not prove conclusive so he now has to go to a specialist, you got to be positive about these things and I am sure that he will be fine. With all the stuff in the news about men with cancer I must say that the Doc is being very proactive. My mum is also not well but this all comes with age, they are like 70 after all!

Work is the last thing I got to mention, for those who know about the situation, judgement day is approaching, boom or bust for me!

Well that's it, I am having me-time tonight, sitting my niece on Saturday and hitting John's for the play off final on Sunday. Dimples is away to Dublin for the weekend to see Bon Jovi so I am all alone. Have fun 'bird' and I hope the weather picks up for you. Everyone else have a great and safe weekend!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Art that messes with your head :: Music Theory :: Find lots of high quality CD and DVD covers within seconds :: Eugene talks about life after Big Brother :: NEW Super Mario for the DS

REMEMBER KID'S :: "I used to have a handle on life, but it broke off"

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ninten Girls Smudge the DS...

It's all gone porn crazy here! *Note to self, leave the porn down, move away and call an adult.

A few weeks ago Dimples and I were having a conversation about porn on the Nintendo DS and how you could in fact make something very saleable with 2 screens, especially with one being a touch screen, voice commands and 'blowing'. I will leave it up to your imagination as to what use you could make of that but:

Ninten Girls

Dimples called her Ninten Dog Smudge, now what shall I call my pet chick??! I have connected to the net through a stolen wireless internet connection from offices near where I work on PSP so if you click here you can see my site, on the PSP, through your PC!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: My Space Stereotypes :: The Oozinator :: Mobile Magazine :: Ninten Girls :: How to Keep Your Spiritual Wits About You in a Romantic Relationship

REMEMBER KID'S :: "If you can read this, you're not the president"

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Lost in PSP Hacking...

First I have to say I removed the Tag board and changed the layout to try and tackle all the spam I was getting (over 100 posts a day), stick with it folks, it's all about the content! Had a great weekend, relaxing and not too heavy. I did however manage to come in to possession of a Sony Play Station Portable (PSP). Now I am sure you all know that this is a handheld games machine but increasingly it's becoming a very cool little gadget. I have spent a fair bit of time finding out what I can do with it before I purchase one. Apart from games, music, purchased UMD movies and the like, I have been able to rip my own recorded DVD's and TV shows on to it, connect to the internet wirelessly and mess about with some interesting applications. Now we can argue about firmware updates all day but the fact of the matter is that it's a great system that does everything very well. I will end up purchasing one but I have to say Sony missed a trick by not including A/V in or out, imagine being able to record live TV or play movies and games on your TV.

Now I NEED to talk about Lost, sorry folks if you don't follow it or are behind me but (I heard about this a while ago but don't want to get too far ahead) for the first time last night, second series on RTE2, The Hanso Foundation was mentioned and if you head over to www.thehansofoundation.org and mess about with the site you will find some interesting stuff. The password is breakingstrain by the way. The plot leads to apes, experiments, nuclear, organs, new people, letters, memos, videos, even a telephone no with extensions and different messages and so the plot grows but as expected very few answers where found, just more god dam questions! I did a little research, without reading to deep as to spoil anything and found this Lost Map. I have not really looked at it yet but it seems to hold some interesting information.

Finally here is another random Teagan Presley Image, this one is not pornographic or sexed up! Do you see what I did there??!

Teagan Presley Image

TODAY'S LINKS :: Super Mario Bros. Re-enactment :: A simple interactive ad that's genius :: PC Paranoia :: Study to Claim Sex Doesn't Sell :: The City at Sea

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Save the trees, wipe your butt with an owl"

Monday, May 15, 2006

It's tough, I could not do it but I would include:

Yesterday was a lovely day here (not my sort of thing as you know), so as Dimples had the day off - apparently you need a whole day away from school to predict grades - we went for lunch and a walk along the beach, twas all very pleasant, the unemployed drinking beer and playing football, guys flying kites, dogs playing in the sea and pensioners sleeping on their deck chairs. Anyway today it's still a little too warm but the rain is back, thank heavens!

I watched Question Time last night, I also watched it last week after a gap of about a year. I forgot how good that show is. Informative, witty, topical, getting to watch politicians squirm, what could be more enjoyable? The reason I have missed it is because it is on too late but now I have discovered that you can watch the show again on live streaming so I or YOU have no excuse not catching it. I can't recommend it highly enough!

I enquired about booking my MOT today, my current one expires at the end of June but the earliest appointment is the end of July, 2 and a half months away. I am disgusted, it's a joke, where is the money going that I pay for the dam thing??!

I have only a quarter of 'A Big Deal' to read and then I can start Fight Club. It's amazing how much my reading has improved, the speed and how much information I can digest has dramatically increased. It pleases me greatly! I should really resit my GCSE English, I got an E back in 1991, which means technically I can't read or write. It amuses me greatly that Dimples teaches English!

This weekend's activities include, the cinema this evening to watch Scary Movie 4, the pub tomorrow, there is a band playing and the F1 race on Sunday. As usual here is the TV Schedule for the Spanish GP in Barcelona on ITV:

Live qualifying: Saturday 13 May 1230-1425 ITV1
Live race: Sunday 14 May 1200-1500 ITV1
Highlights: Monday 15 May 0025-0120 ITV1
Highlights: Tuesday 16 May 0425-0520 ITV4

I am so tired today and with a pressurised day ahead on the phone at work, I should get back to it. Have a good one folks!

FRIDAY'S FUN LINKAGE :: Funny :: Funny T-Shirt :: Question Time on your PC :: Sniff Petrol :: One for the ladies - How to give a BJ :: Hoff Invaders :: Spork, a seemingly random collection of nonsense :: UsersManualGuide.com :: Slashdot Comments on Star Wars - Funny

REMEMBER KID'S :: "What would Scooby do?"

Friday, May 12, 2006

I Was Raped Last Night...

So in last night's Wednesday night game I was raped. I slow played a good enough hand - AQ - with the flop being - AA7 - in the hope that Kayeso would make a big bet or put me all in as he is aggressive in this situation. I played it perfectly and he did indeed put me all in, I thought he might have 7's or a raggedy A. Upon putting the cards on their backs he showed a - A9 - I was dominating with only 3 cards in the deck that could save him, yip you guessed it he pulled a - 9 - on 5th street! GUTTED!

I could not have played the hand better but Kayeso had some bad luck early on and as we know luck balances out, tho why me, why on my dam hand and last stand??! I can't be unhappy with my play and was by no means in bad shape, as it happens justice prevailed and he went out on the bubble. The worse thing is that he now has a database, keeping track of placings and who busted out who, being out first does nothing for my ranking and I now need a 2nd place finish to get back to evens on what it's cost me to play!

I think my game is improving but at Kayeso's I just need to be that bit looser (in the hope of catching something), more aggressive (because of the buy-in's involved) and bluff more to get in the money, tho it goes against all my rational thought and my online winning formula of playing tight and staying out of trouble until I get in the money before making moves! Anyway, life goes on!

TODAY'S LINKS :: 118 Rip Off Ad :: View What I am Currently Listening to in Real Time :: MoBlog - My life in photo's - NEW PICS ADDED :: My Space UK :: This dude actually used his License :: Disco Brady Bunch! :: Your very own e-mail flasher

REMEMBER KID'S :: "So many cats, so few recipes"

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Dumfounded Parenting 101...

This morning outside Tescos on my way to get my morning coffee I seen just about the most ignorant thing a parent could do, I was going to take a pic but thought that was maybe a bit weird, let me explain. A car was parked about 2 foot from the curb, on double yellow lines, at an angle with the back jutting well in to the road, a busy town centre road at that. The car was well beat up, UNLOCKED, with 3 car/booster seats and one occupant, a little boy about 1 year old left sleeping in the back seat, roadside! What was wrong with this mum or dad, with 2 other obviously older kids they should know better, popping in for some shopping and leaving that little boy unattended. Is it really more important that that he had a nap than his safety??! The mind boggles at this parents lack of responsibility and utter stupidity!

A good weekend was had with drinking, lairyness, poker, football, F1 and some dancing. Friday night I got to hang with John for like the first time in 2 months, we watched the Leeds playoff and drank beer, then home to win an internet poker 1 table tournament. Saturday I had a lie in and then watched F1 qualifying. The evening was spent down the local and then to a club, young people today have no respect, it all got a bit "I predict a Riot"'ish! Again home to win another 1 table internet tourney. Sunday was the F1 race and Shu was back in top form to take the win. Sunday evening I was yet again on the beer and playing poker, this time a 40 person live tournament. I played rubbish, well I was not that bad but basically threw all my chips away in a stupid call that I did not have to make (AA against QQ). Was ultimately trying to play looser, with aggression but did not get the chance to continue. I refused to buy in again because I had been stupid! Kayeso was running the tournament and I feel I let the side down from our Wednesday night game, not that any of us got to the final table but there you have it! We officially suck! Took Monday off work, played another 7000 person tournament, came in the top 600. Really trying to find a balance, a trade off to complement my tight play with looser more aggressive moves but fine tuning it will take time!

So that's everyone up to date. Hope your week has started well and everyone, here in Northern Ireland at least, is enjoying the fine weather!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's UPDATED! :: New T-Shirt Hell Shirts :: A Torrent Search Engine Searcher :: Nice pants, very airbrushed! :: Why Dogs Bite Their Owners :: The UK Top 40 Hit Database

THINGS EVERYONE CAN LOOK FORWARD TOO :: Summer vacation :: World Cup :: Big Brother (Just over a week to go)

REMEMBER KID'S :: "People like you are the reason people like me need medication"

Friday, May 05, 2006

Election Shocker...

Well done folks, I knew you would give Blair, his cronies and 'new' Labour a good kick in the balls! Well done, give yourselves a pat on the back!

Tonight I am over at John's to watch the play off between Preston and Leeds, Saturday probably down the pub, Sunday is the F1 race and a poker tournament that night, so I have a nice weekend ahead. I hope you all have a nice weekend too.

TODAY'S LINKS :: View What I am Currently Listening to in Real Time :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: What a pretty blue planet! :: Warning Label Generator :: IBM glass engine

REMEMBER KID'S :: "I am not infantile, you stinky poopyhead"

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Sleepy Poker GP...

Thursday, well in to the week now! I am really tired, as you all should know by now I sleep really badly. Was up until 4am on Tuesday night and did not get in until half 12 from poker (out on the bubble but think I played better than previous, I just need to build on that now) was asleep by 2am but had mares and kept waking up. I have always been a bad sleeper and a night person but as I get older it's becoming harder to cope with and I will never break the routine I am in! Double coffees, with lots of sugar to get through the day for me! I get how Tyler Durden in the Chuck Palahnuik book Fight Club feels! Gonna start reading it as soon as I finish A Big Deal as Dimples got me a signed copy, how exciting. Anyone up for fisty cuffs, OK maybe just a game of heads up!

This weekend we have the Nurburgring Formula 1 race, I have no idea who is going to win but I would actually like to see Michael Schumacher take it, not least because of their Marlboro sponsor, lol. I should be cheering on Kimi Raikkonen as I have a bet on with Dimples that he will beat her choice of driver but unfortunately she picked Fernando Alonso (because he looks hot *sigh*) and he is running away with it a little, tho it is early days. Here is the TV schedule:

Broadcast times for the European GP

Live qualifying: Saturday 6 May 1230-1425 ITV1
Live race: Sunday 7 May 1200-1500 ITV1
Highlights: Monday 8 May 0045-0140 ITV1
Highlights: Tuesday 9 May 0435-0535 ITV4

I have to download the new Snow Patrol and Gnarls Barkley albums this evening or over the weekend, if anyone has heard them hit me up and tell me if they are any good!

So the usual cleaning tonight, have to prepare for the long weekend ahead as I have taken Monday off for the Wolseys Series of Poker, the now monthly poker tournament I enter! I have yet to get above half way in the rankings, maybe this Sunday is my night! *Whispers - Tight Aggressive, Tight Aggressive*

TODAY'S LINKS :: Chuck Palahnuik :: Dimples Blog :: James Bond's Brand New Wheels Unveiled :: Web Based Messaging, Everywhere for Everyone :: He Won The Bet :: Science Fiction Films

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Lawyers have feelings too (allegedly)"

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Unhappily Spending Virtue...

So I am back, May day hols where fab and here today is your first post of the week. How fast the world is moving, we have everything we could ever want but at what cost?

Today I read about a real world cash card that allows gamers to spend money - earned in a virtual universe - in the real world, also in the news and with reference to attaining the news, a quiet revolution is taking place. It is being spearheaded by a generation (y) who have grown up in a connected, digital world, for whom the interwebnet is just part of their way of life but as amazing and forward thinking as all this is, Britain is less happy than in the 1950s, even taking into account the fact that we are three times richer. I know how and why we are in this mess, it's obvious to me, what do you think?

I would love to comment on the local elections but I think the majority of people have gotten the measure of them and I trust you all to do the right thing, even tho it's not too relevant here in Northern Ireland.

Stat Whore Time again, I need 8,333 average each month to break my target of 100,000 hits for the year! Lets see how April stacks up:

January 2006 - 4,985
February 2006 - 5,398
March 2006 - 11,100
April 2006 - 12,965

Total : 34,448 Avr: 8,612

TODAY'S LINKS :: New Fox Reality Porn Show :: View What I am Currently Listening to in Real Time :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Interop Las Vegas 2006 Pre-show Report :: Professional secrets from those in the know

REMEMBER KID'S :: "On your mark, get set, go away!"