Reading that last post you would think I was very selfish, scared of any commitment, under pressure or maybe just clinically depressed! I am sure it's the latter and nothing to worry about. I am very good at understanding myself, dealing with my emotions - life experience has taught me that at least, Dimples would read that as cold and heartless though - etc but I do find it difficult when there are external factors deciding my life direction and how I spend my time! Reminds me of this post that I made years ago which still rings true today:
Choose long sleeve T's. Choose smoking quality weed to the early hours on Saturday morning playing online poker. Choose avoiding the sun, sitting in a darkened room with your head down and sighing at every given opportunity. Choose very little sleep and only in the day time. Choose smoking Marlboro Reds. Choose polishing your shoes every night. Choose Amsterdam and never going on a summer holiday. Choose buffed nails. Choose heartburn. Choose rain. Choose listening to the most out dated (and bizarrely pop, rock, dance, all quality music and even chart stuff!!) music you can find and believing that people don't like it coz its to hardcore for them, not because its utter sh*t! Choose drinking copious amounts of Bud and VRB (Vodka Red Bull). Choose goldfish. ChöösË måkîñg üþ ¥öü® öwñ üßË® ËËt Hå×ö® §þËËk (OK, I just thought that was funny). Choose staring at a monitor till your eyes bleed. Choose UT2004 and pressing T by mistake 'aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww'. Choose more fans because it's too hot. Choose more hits and cursing those bots. Choose only communicating via SMS and living life online! Choose pwning your foe. Choose dancing. Choose watching animation. Choose connecting every bit of electrical equipment in the hope that only one remote control can carry out any task from your bed (even the lights, he he he). Choose being really anal about the slightest detail in the most pointless of subjects. Choose the Sunday Times. Choose food on the go. Choose always being right, even when you are not. Choose being perverted. Choose a force feed back mouse, a THX surround system, and a 42" plasma. Choose life. Choose Me!
Last weekend we went camping, it was great fun, a little cold, wet and very muddy but fun none the less. The only thing that put a bit of a dampener on it was THE SLUGS! They where everywhere but we combated by bringing out the WMD's, yip you guessed it, we surrounded the tent with salt! I was sitting outside, about to get dinner and spied one on my thigh, who says they are slow movers, hanging around there, trying to get it on with my manhood, with its stalky eyes! When I seen it I nearly had a fit, they totally freak me out! Dimples thought it was funny until she had encounters of her own, that will teach her!
Anyway I should not really be talking about me but Google taking over the world or North Korea trying to... I am just in a mood because my cherry scone only had two cherries in it, dam you M&S! *shakes fist*
TODAY'S LINKS :: Tips to help you stay safe online :: How to Dissuade Yourself from Becoming a Blogger :: Channelchooser is a free TV-portal :: Three-Minute Meditation
REMEMBER KID'S :: "If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen"