About Me - GAD123

My photo
Belfast, N.I., United Kingdom
I first got on the net over 15 (2009) years ago and have had my own site for at least 7 (2009) of those years (a place where I could dump the misery of my everyday life!), you can see my fist efforts @ www.freewebs.com/gad123 and my current blog @ www.gad123.co.uk . I am a kind person, smart, (I know that is subjective) and witty, the dry, sarcastic type! I am told that I am easy to talk to and am very laid back. I enjoy playing poker, listening to any music, watching movies & American TV shows, love going to the pub, dancing on a Saturday night and am a bit of a nerd as I own a Wii, PS3 and built my own PC! I am a creature of routine, love the night time when all the exciting things happen, am a bit of an insomniac and love getting trashed at the weekends! If you want, you can catch me on MSN @ graham@gad123.co.uk! Take care and enjoy you browse around this GAD123 Page!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Help Me Purchase a Custom Built PC...

I have been all over the net trying to find the best all round supplier for a custom built PC. I have a budget of about £1000, any help from you guys would be much appreciated! Anyway here is the best balance I have come up with so far, trading off price against products:

  • System Case: Coolermaster Wavemaster Silver Case
  • Power Supply: 600W Thermaltake PSU (16dB)
  • Motherboard: Asrock ALIVENF4G-DVI (Skt AM2)
  • Processor: AMD 64-Bit Dual Core X2 4600+ (Skt AM2)
  • System Memory: 2Gb Corsair DDR2 800 Dual Channel Memory (2x 1Gb)
  • Hard Drive One: 200Gb Serial ATA300 7200RPM
  • Hard Drive Two: 200Gb Serial ATA300 7200RPM
  • Removable Storage Devices: FDD and Digital Card Reader
  • CD Device One: DVD Drive (16x)
  • CD Device Two: DVDRW Drive (16x +/- Dual Layer)
  • Video Card: GeForce 7600GT 256Mb DDR +DVI/TV
  • Audio and PCI Devices: Creative SoundBlaster Audigy SE 7.1
  • PCI Devices: Digital Freeview TV Card with Remote
  • Operating System: Windows XP Professional SP/2- OEM
  • Utilities Software: PowerDVD & Nero DVD Burning/Viewing Software OEM
  • System Warranty: Ad-Vantage 5 Years Return to Base Warranty
  • Build Services: Standard 7 to 10 Working Day Build

TODAY'S LINKS :: Manga Downloads :: Censored News Stories :: Psychology Art Gallery :: Alexander Shulgin - Professor X


REMEMBER KID'S :: "In dog years, I'm dead!"

Friday, October 13, 2006

Possible Exploitation Issues By GAD123...

I got in to somewhat of a heated and unwanted debate *sigh* This 'chick' started on me for having Zoo Magazine on my friends list, using terrible language and stating how used these women where, etc. Now anyone who know me will agree I am not sexist but some people just judge. I have never even bought Zoo, tho I did flick through a copy once. Anyway, for the record "MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT". Now get over it! Anyway here is the final exchange:

You hate all these thing, politics, blah, blah but you collect the dole and take drugs, yet get at me for having Zoo as my MYsPACE friends??? Then tell me to fuck off! You have it all so wrong *sigh* And now comes the ultimate patronising put down:


Take care ;)

Their reply was:

Subject: Re: Hmmm...
Get a life, you have NO idea what you're talking about. I read your pathetic blog entry, you sounded like a complete sexist piece of shit. I never called myself a feminist, and I didn't have to guess that you would consider feminism a bad thing (like all the rest of the guys like you do).

What the fuck is wrong with being on the dole? I'm still in education and I'm actively seeking work. And what do you do? Work for advertising and marketing companies. I fucking DESPISE marketing and advertising.

And I'm not even going to TRY starting to talk about "taking drugs". I don't need to explain my stance on that to a moronic bastard like you.

You obviously have the wool pulled over your eyes by the sex industry, so again, what's the point of me debating with you? Do me a huge favour and take your piece of shit arse off my space.

Have a good weekend folks!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's - UPDATED :: oh, don’t forget... SMS :: Dial a Human numbers, bypass the computer prompter :: Man Robs Parent's Restaurant :: I am sexist - Ladies half naked! :: Scottish Toasts

MYsPACE LINK OF THE DAY :: Butterfly Princess

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Well, this day was a total waste of makeup"

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Let's Not Throw Away The Future or Forget The Past...

Just to let you all know what you should already, today is JOHN PEEL day and everyone should take a couple of minutes out to remember him and continue the legacy! R.I.P

A work colleague of mine is in hospital, she had surgery to remove a kidney stone and by all accounts is doing well. Get well soon LI!

It's getting closer to crunch time here in Northern Ireland as the summit in Scotland continues to try and sort out the future of this beautiful country. I hope that everyone involved can come to an amicable agreement, fair to all, to take us forward and leave the past (tho it will never be forgotten) behind!

If you want to know more and where the parties stand click here!

ust in case you missed it the last couple of posts where to mark World Mental Health Day on Tuesday October 10!

OK, that's the housework done, now on with more about me, yay! Today I am "acquiring" and I can't wait:

  • "Weird Al" Yankovic Straight Outta Lynwood CD
  • WWE No Mercy
  • Radio 1 Live Lounge CD
  • Lost Season 3 Eps 2
  • South Park Season 10 Eps 9

Tonight is cleaning pampering night, so pumping up the new music will be great. I love listening to new CD's, it's like a real rush. Then of course weeding out the crap and making a CD for the car or firing it on the old generic MP3 player. Tho in the good old days of my youth, it was taping off the radio and high speed dubbing friends tapes. Then spending hours making a mix tape for the personal stereo (I never had a walkman). After putting in that much effort and with it being a job to skip tracks (>> Fast forwarding killed battery life) you listened to every song over and over, getting so much more out of the music. Now it's all a bit throw away but then that's just another, sign of the times! I am so excited about watching Lost and South Park too, like a god dam kid, bring on Friday night after hitting up the hospital! Throw in a little VRB (Vodka Red Bull), Marlborough Reds, Poker, a J and you have yourself an evening of overwhelming enjoyment! Have a good day folks!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's - UPDATED :: Indiefield at Work - Webcam :: New T-Shirt Hell Shirts :: Skeet Shoot Game :: Sound intelligent, powerful, polished, articulate, and confident :: Study: Lasik safer than contact lenses

MYsPACE LINK OF THE DAY :: Steph Switchblade [510668]


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Talking About Life In My Head - Part 2 The Aftermath...

Reading that last post you would think I was very selfish, scared of any commitment, under pressure or maybe just clinically depressed! I am sure it's the latter and nothing to worry about. I am very good at understanding myself, dealing with my emotions - life experience has taught me that at least, Dimples would read that as cold and heartless though - etc but I do find it difficult when there are external factors deciding my life direction and how I spend my time! Reminds me of this post that I made years ago which still rings true today:

Choose long sleeve T's. Choose smoking quality weed to the early hours on Saturday morning playing online poker. Choose avoiding the sun, sitting in a darkened room with your head down and sighing at every given opportunity. Choose very little sleep and only in the day time. Choose smoking Marlboro Reds. Choose polishing your shoes every night. Choose Amsterdam and never going on a summer holiday. Choose buffed nails. Choose heartburn. Choose rain. Choose listening to the most out dated (and bizarrely pop, rock, dance, all quality music and even chart stuff!!) music you can find and believing that people don't like it coz its to hardcore for them, not because its utter sh*t! Choose drinking copious amounts of Bud and VRB (Vodka Red Bull). Choose goldfish. ChöösË måkîñg üþ ¥öü® öwñ üßË® ËËt Hå×ö® §þËËk (OK, I just thought that was funny). Choose staring at a monitor till your eyes bleed. Choose UT2004 and pressing T by mistake 'aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww'. Choose more fans because it's too hot. Choose more hits and cursing those bots. Choose only communicating via SMS and living life online! Choose pwning your foe. Choose dancing. Choose watching animation. Choose connecting every bit of electrical equipment in the hope that only one remote control can carry out any task from your bed (even the lights, he he he). Choose being really anal about the slightest detail in the most pointless of subjects. Choose the Sunday Times. Choose food on the go. Choose always being right, even when you are not. Choose being perverted. Choose a force feed back mouse, a THX surround system, and a 42" plasma. Choose life. Choose Me!

Last weekend we went camping, it was great fun, a little cold, wet and very muddy but fun none the less. The only thing that put a bit of a dampener on it was THE SLUGS! They where everywhere but we combated by bringing out the WMD's, yip you guessed it, we surrounded the tent with salt! I was sitting outside, about to get dinner and spied one on my thigh, who says they are slow movers, hanging around there, trying to get it on with my manhood, with its stalky eyes! When I seen it I nearly had a fit, they totally freak me out! Dimples thought it was funny until she had encounters of her own, that will teach her!

Anyway I should not really be talking about me but Google taking over the world or North Korea trying to... I am just in a mood because my cherry scone only had two cherries in it, dam you M&S! *shakes fist*

TODAY'S LINKS :: Tips to help you stay safe online :: How to Dissuade Yourself from Becoming a Blogger :: Channelchooser is a free TV-portal :: Three-Minute Meditation


REMEMBER KID'S :: "If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen"

Talking About Life In My Head...

Life for me at the minute is all full up, plans, plans and yet more plans! I am a very laid back person, like to take things as they come and I also like to adhere to a routine (read as a little obsessive compulsive). The luxury of that, do as I please ethic, seems to be slipping away though. I understand that as you get older you take on more responsibility and also that this is all relevant, I don't have kids for example! The next few months are the busiest at work, I have birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, people in hospital, social evenings, etc! How am I supposed to fit in MY time, poker and the day to day routine of my life to keep my sanity? It all makes me a bit queasy when I think about it. I need to sit down tonight and fill in my diary before my head explodes!

The reason for this ramble is uncertainty, I hate it, can't deal with it and have too much of it in my life at the mo, though any uncertainty is to much for me, especiality when it is out of my control! There are so many things I need to move forward but I am scared of pain, hurt, hassle, but I have to do it. Just one step forward but how? If I put one foot in front of the other, it's a risk, how do I retract it, how do I know its the right direction to go? I don't have a map, let alone a compass or any reference points! I like the status Quo and it likes me. I don't really bother people with my problems (they are miniscule ones anyway), just sometimes I need to let it out, so that's it dealt with, lets move on shall we?!

I am hopefully getting this little Coffee Maker:

Coffee Maker

TODAY'S LINKS :: South Park - Make Love, Not Warcraft (at last new episodes to view online) :: New Sniff Petrol Car Mag :: Windows Run Commands :: Noah takes a picture of himself every day for 6 years :: SUE


REMEMBER KID'S :: "Is it time for your medication or mine?"

Friday, October 06, 2006

OMG GAD123's Gone Political *shocker*...

So the "IRA campaign is over" says Blair. Well aint that just peachy! He said politicians now had a "unique opportunity" to reach a "final settlement". Well I hope so, I want our democratic elected representatives to do this, no matter who they are, where they are from or what camp their allegiances lie. We in Northern Ireland need to make this work, to build up the country and move towards self sufficiency! Tipically the PM failed to mention that the report claims some IRA members remain involved in crime, what a surprise! How can anyone, on either side, believe that the north / south divide was all the crime that these people where involved in, GET REAL! Tho I assume N.I. is still one of the most crime free places in Europe it is completely silly to think that the whole terrorist activity here was not also a cover for organised crime. It's just plain ignorant! Anyway, onwards and upwards!

Moving on, still an upward type trend here, how long can this be sustained and only a couple more thousand hits to reach my goal for the year! Yip you guessed it, it's Stat Whore Time Again:

January 2006 - 4985
February 2006 - 5398
March 2006 - 11100
April 2006 - 12965
May 2006 - 14486
June - 14283
July - 11116
August - 11598
September - 12188

TOTAL - 98119 FYI Page Hits - 108581

Have a great weekend folks and I will hopefully see you on the other side!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Great Ad for the Casio Exilim Digital Camera :: SlashGear.com :: Gray's Quicky Brain Teasers and Riddles :: Pirate Laws :: Zombie Preparedness Initiative!

MYsPACE OF THE DAY :: Seymore Butts

REMEMBER KID'S :: "If you're happy and you know it see a shrink"

Camp Garth's Bleached His Dark Place...

It's been a while folks, sorry about that so for those of you still hanging around I am going to tell you what I am up to this weekend. It's been a busy old week, work and that and yet again I am off camping this weekend. It's probably the last time this year which is sad. We are going to Dungannon Park Caravan Park. It's just Dimples and I which should be fun, the weather is not the best (read as I love this weather):

weekends weather

Lost Season 3 started last night in the states so I am tracking down a copy, which I will encode for playing on my PSP and watch this weekend. Also getting Garth Marenghi's Darkplace and the first 25 eps of Bleach, how exciting??!

That's all for now but I will leave you with this; When creating and maintaining a personal website, you must consider your audience, aka who really reads this.. and the best guess I've come up with.... is no one.

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Garth Marenghi's Darkplace :: Bleach :: Family Guy Presents Stewie Live :: A Dirty Lezbo Photo

MYsPACE OF THE DAY :: Scissor Sisters

REMEMBER KID'S :: "The trouble with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard"