So the "IRA campaign is over" says Blair. Well aint that just peachy! He said politicians now had a "unique opportunity" to reach a "final settlement". Well I hope so, I want our democratic elected representatives to do this, no matter who they are, where they are from or what camp their allegiances lie. We in Northern Ireland need to make this work, to build up the country and move towards self sufficiency! Tipically the PM failed to mention that the report claims some IRA members remain involved in crime, what a surprise! How can anyone, on either side, believe that the north / south divide was all the crime that these people where involved in, GET REAL! Tho I assume N.I. is still one of the most crime free places in Europe it is completely silly to think that the whole terrorist activity here was not also a cover for organised crime. It's just plain ignorant! Anyway, onwards and upwards!
Moving on, still an upward type trend here, how long can this be sustained and only a couple more thousand hits to reach my goal for the year! Yip you guessed it, it's Stat Whore Time Again:
January 2006 - 4985
February 2006 - 5398
March 2006 - 11100
April 2006 - 12965
May 2006 - 14486
June - 14283
July - 11116
August - 11598
September - 12188
TOTAL - 98119 FYI Page Hits - 108581
Have a great weekend folks and I will hopefully see you on the other side!
TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Great Ad for the Casio Exilim Digital Camera :: :: Gray's Quicky Brain Teasers and Riddles :: Pirate Laws :: Zombie Preparedness Initiative!
MYsPACE OF THE DAY :: Seymore Butts
REMEMBER KID'S :: "If you're happy and you know it see a shrink"

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