About Me - GAD123

My photo
Belfast, N.I., United Kingdom
I first got on the net over 15 (2009) years ago and have had my own site for at least 7 (2009) of those years (a place where I could dump the misery of my everyday life!), you can see my fist efforts @ www.freewebs.com/gad123 and my current blog @ www.gad123.co.uk . I am a kind person, smart, (I know that is subjective) and witty, the dry, sarcastic type! I am told that I am easy to talk to and am very laid back. I enjoy playing poker, listening to any music, watching movies & American TV shows, love going to the pub, dancing on a Saturday night and am a bit of a nerd as I own a Wii, PS3 and built my own PC! I am a creature of routine, love the night time when all the exciting things happen, am a bit of an insomniac and love getting trashed at the weekends! If you want, you can catch me on MSN @ graham@gad123.co.uk! Take care and enjoy you browse around this GAD123 Page!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Days Off and Things to Say...

Right, I had Thursday and Friday off, call it my Xmas holidays, if you will! I had so much planned, including fixing the heatsink and fan but alas I was a little ill, so the whole thing was a wash out! I did however play poker on Wednesday and got beat, with pocket A's cracked twice, they are never really winners for me! The rest of the time I watched movies, mainly. I bought a Sumvision Aqua Multimedia Player Enclosure, for all my family to share in the joys of PC ownership and broadband usage. On the whole it's very good, I threw a 320g HDD in it so have plenty of external storage now!

So that brings us to Today and my weird sore/blocked ear is back, who knows what it is but it's bloody annoying. Considering hitting the Doc's but will I, watch this space as it's been nearly 11 years since I last went!

If like me you need some exciting things to look forward to, here are some of the same:

South Park season 11 starts in March 2007. Check South Park Studios for more details.

Lost season 03 starts 9th February 2007. Check ABC's Lost site.

Laters peeps.

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's - UPDATED! :: UK TV Guide :: BBC TV - Free Shows :: Formula 1 Podcasts from BBC :: New T-Shirt Hell Shirts


REMEMBER KID'S :: "Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your lips"

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Jade Stands for BNP in Local By-Election...

I still don't know entirely what to make of the whole CBB thing (OTT would be a start), I really like Shilpa but I do feel sorry for Jade. OK she is a bitch and has brought this upon herself but I don't like to see anyone's career ruined like that, what a mistake she has made, ah the highs and lows of fame *sigh*. Though, if it all does go tits up, I am sure the BNP would love her to stand at the next general election! There will always be bullies, bigots, victims, racists, whatever, no matter where you live or when you live/d, no matter what laws you put in place or where public opinion stands, that's life, sad as it may be!

Now the fun stuff. I installed my mouse and keyboard, will take a little getting used to but they are cool. I also got the Zalman CNPS9700-LED CPU Cooler, I am going to install it next week, it's a fairly big job as I assume I need to remove the motherboard but I am looking forward to it. Then I can tinker with some over clocking and installing Vista, all in time for the release of Unreal Tournament 2007 (UT007) but more on that later in the year!

TODAY'S LINKS :: Download Almost Any Song Off The Internet For Free! :: 8 Films to Die For! :: Shopping Trolleys :: Rubiks Cube Solution


REMEMBER KID'S :: "Rap is to music as Etch-A-Sketch is to art"

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A List, A Result, A Situation...


  • Get Free Vista Upgrade Sorted
  • Finish Playing Fear on PC
  • Watch the Rest of Family Guy Season 5
  • Watch the Rest of King of the Hill Season 3
  • Watch New King of the Hill Season 5 I Bought
  • Install New Keyboard - Logitech® G15 Gaming Keyboard
  • DL New Keyboard Apps
  • Install New Mouse - Logitech® MX™ Revolution
  • Start Playing The Godfather on PSP
  • Start Playing 50 Cent Bullet-proof on PSP
  • Finish Playing Rainbow Six Vegas on PC
  • Finish Playing Zelda on the Wii
  • Start Playing Call of Duty on the Wii


Tiscali have sorted the broadband dropping issue and I am not connecting at 2.3gigs, happy days!


Here we go again, another Celebrity Big Brother (or any BB), another alleged racism claim! I don't really know what to say about this one, I know Jack possibly called Shilpa a packy and the rest of the young girls are not seeing eye to eye with her but is this just personal, cultural, appearance (i.e. she is hot) issues rather than racism? I don't know, I have not see enough unedited highlights to know, is it just girls being bitchy, let me know, below!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: The World in only 7 Pictures :: Photoshopped Movie Moments :: Belfast Telegraph :: The Cool Guy Files

MYsPACE LINK OF THE DAY :: We're Not Gonna Make It!

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Life would be easier if I had the source code"

Friday, January 12, 2007

Makoto Nagano: Completed the Sasuke Obstacle Course...

Getting Trashed on VRB, With Some Help From Tiscali...

I forgot to post yesterday, not that I had anything to say but there you go! An update with Tiscali, which you are all eager to here I'm sure, goes like this:

Called tech help on Wednesday, went through all the usual, check line filters, system and un then reinstall. I completed this and it's still happening! So I got a little program that checks connection and reconnects if it's dropped. Now this seemed to work, tho the connection kept dropping, it was straight back on, not a prevention but short term solution. I then today inspected my usage and noticed something weird:

11/01/2007 09:58:0311/01/2007 10:13:07 - 0:15:04 11/01/2007 10:28:1011/01/2007 10:43:14 - 0:15:04 11/01/2007 12:59:5811/01/2007 13:15:03 - 0:15:05 11/01/2007 22:48:0611/01/2007 23:18:13 - 0:30:07 11/01/2007 23:37:1212/01/200700:07:22 - 0:30:10 12/01/2007 08:26:4512/01/2007 08:56:54 - 0:30:09

The times connected seemed to be nearly the same. So I called tech help again, not long spent holding, explained what I had done and discovered. Apparently - not giving an explanation - some settings needed changing. He did this and I will now check it when I get home. I still think it's a little suspicious but lets see how it goes!

IT'S ONLY BLOODY FRIDAY and I am looking forward to getting trashed! I played poker on Wednesday at Kayeso's, managed to win with a combination of a new style, a couple of gambles, the fact it was a short handed game, a little luck but overall good play. I think it's the first time I have won his home game, so that's always good! It was a late night and I have been tired this week, cleaned last night therefore all is in place for me to go home to bed for a few hours, then getting KFC, watching CBB, then bring on the VRB! Saturday I am taking Dimples out for dinner, then hopefully I can get to go dancing, lol! Everything is getting back in to the same old routine after the last few months - working- and I love it!

Have a brill weekend folks, catch you on the other side!

P.S. - Leo on CBB has really turned in to a TWAT!

TODAY'S LINKS :: The Art of Dreaming :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: The World of Trip Hop :: Top Ten Worst Domains :: Speed Bump

MYsPACE LINK OF THE DAY :: Benway Bunnies

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition!"

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dropping ISP's...

Today I need some help. I need recommendations for a new ISP (Internet Service provider). I am currently using Tiscali and have been for 12 months now. I use Peer 2 Peer software, downloading about 120 gigs per month. I am one of those undesirable people that ruin it for everyone, I know, I know but I pay for a service and just like making the most of it. Now because of that it did not take them long to catch up with me and apply their fair use policy, my account is still unmetered but through traffic shaping I can just about get enough bandwidth to surf between 6pm and 11pm, which I accept! The problem is that they now drop my connection every hour, so when I am not around to monitor it I can't reconnect!

This pisses me off, I assume there is little I can do but I will be calling them to question what is going on and then probably looking for another provider if it can't be resolved! This happened before with BT (hence why I left them) and their solution was to charge me £100+ a month, which is ridicules.

Ideally I want to pay £30 per month for unmetered or monitored, 2meg broadband. I don't think my line can support 8meg but this would be advantageous, as would fee connection, modem and no long term contract. Has anyone in cyberspace got a good ISP that they think I should check out? Cheers!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: The Future of our World :: Does Poker Keep Getting Harder and Harder? :: Ten Simple Rules for Dating my Teenage Daughter!

MYsPACE LINK OF THE DAY :: The Stiff Kitten, Belfast

REMEMBER KID'S :: "There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't"

Snakes on a Train...

Why does life have to be so dam complicated, I try everything to make it, smooth, no peaks, no troughs, it's all I want! I hate all the drama people have to inject to feel like they are living, causing untold stress, illness, not to mention the knock on effect to others around. If anyone has the answer to this riddle, please, please get in touch!

How was your weekend folks? I had a really quite one, Neil popped round on Friday for drinks and we played a little cash poker online. Saturday was a bit of a wash out as Dimples was ill but we watched Snakes on a Plane! Now I don't have much to say about the film, except, it is snakes on a plane, that's it! It's full of plot holes, is not particularly bad, comical, intense or even interesting, all the things I had hoped it would be but there you go.

It is however responsible for the dream I had last night, which I can only assume will be the sequel "Snakes on a Train". Yip that was my dream, I was the lead (Samuel Jackson's character), I tried spraying water at them and that did not work so got them to back off with the help of smoke, joss sticks from some hippy or other! Don't remember much else, except I did save everyone!

TODAY'S LINKS :: New T-Shirt Hell Shirts :: The Popularity Dialler :: Typo Hound :: Killer Drug

MYsPACE LINK OF THE DAY :: :::~~pemu~~:::

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them"

Friday, January 05, 2007

Amusing Facials...

TFIF! How good does that sound? Last night was a late one for me, off to my sisters to get my hair cut - it was such a mess - and sort out their PC. I did not get in to about 12, watched some CBB and finally sleep. Anyway I was not in the best mood this morning until I hear this:

Clare (a work colleague) was talking about Xmas, I enquired politely what presents she received, innocently she replied "The best present I got was from my boyfriend, he gave me 6 facials!". Well I nearly doubled over laughing, she had no idea why, which is sweet. Anyway another girl Laurel later chipped in that she would love a facial for her birthday, apparently they are £50 and great for you skin! Maybe it's just me that finds it amusing, in a school boy way but if anyone wants to pay me £50 for a facial please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Have a great, drunkin weekend folks!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Hedonism :: Caffeine Curve graph :: Ultrasonic Ringtones


REMEMBER KID'S :: "Old age comes at a bad time"

Thursday, January 04, 2007

CellabraaaaaT Big Brother...

OK so day 2 of posting then and today we are going cover Big Brother, the celebrity edition or CBB for short, don't you just love acronyms! Now, I actually don't have much to say at this stage, we are all thinking the same things; the lead singer of that band no one has heard of is a twat (sick, I mean SICK on LIVE TV in front of the nation, serious school boy error, he is soooo rock and roll), the fat bloke will die on live TV, Face, Leo and Jo are neck and neck to win, etc. Tho I must say (Dimples will kill me for this) the Bollywood chick - Shilpa - is hot and Miss GB, what a bloody disappointment, I was convinced she was really pretty but no, dam airbrushing "we are just gonna make your chin a little touch smaller darling"!

So there we have it, not the best line up in the world but I think it should provide some interesting relationships and friction. I will be watching and I assume you will be too. While I am on the subject of TV and airbrushing, check out Ugly Betty, it's a lovely little show, with no thought required!

That's me for today, have a good one folks!

TODAY'S LINKS :: Big Brother :: Amazing Transforming Table Video :: LSD - The Beyond Within Movie :: Love Meter

MYsPACE LINK OF THE DAY :: *High* Maintenance

REMEMBER KID'S :: "A day without sunshine is like night"

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Resolutions and that Bollocks...

OK, OK so it's been a long time since I posted anything I doubt anyone reads any more but hey lets try and change that! First off I must wish everyone a Happy New Year, I trust you all had a good Xmas and are ecstatic at being back at work! For me it was not so good, I have been ill with the flu, worked most of Xmas and sat in on my own on New Years Eve! Great start to the new year but hey, in the words of d:ream 'Things Can Only Get Better'!

So what to start the new year with? Well I have NO resolutions, because I am perfect, of course and Dimples would agree. I did have one last year, which was to make 100k hits here and by all accounts I did quite well, as you can see:

December 2006 13319
TOTAL FOR 2006 = 138619 YaY!

So while we are on the stat trip, here are some others for 2006:

I am in profit of about £300 playing poker
I lost and gained 0 weight
I drank enough to fill a small ship
I made 0 trips abroad
I have download over 1 terabyte of video on the net
I have uploaded 1.2 terabytes of video on the net
The longest day at work was over 17 hours

OK so that got boring very quickly! Anyway you are all going to have to wait to tomorrow for the next exciting post, turaa peeps!

TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's :: Acronym Dictionary :: OMGfreeTV :: EMO Pic :: Mary Poppins re-cut into Horror film :: Girls are like apple trees

MYsPACE LINK OF THE DAY :: Wolseys Bar - My Local

REMEMBER KID'S :: "Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye opener"