Normal service to resume on Tuesday!
My single, social, nerdy, PC modding life in Northern Ireland!
About Me - GAD123

- Graham - GAD123
- Belfast, N.I., United Kingdom
- I first got on the net over 15 (2009) years ago and have had my own site for at least 7 (2009) of those years (a place where I could dump the misery of my everyday life!), you can see my fist efforts @ and my current blog @ . I am a kind person, smart, (I know that is subjective) and witty, the dry, sarcastic type! I am told that I am easy to talk to and am very laid back. I enjoy playing poker, listening to any music, watching movies & American TV shows, love going to the pub, dancing on a Saturday night and am a bit of a nerd as I own a Wii, PS3 and built my own PC! I am a creature of routine, love the night time when all the exciting things happen, am a bit of an insomniac and love getting trashed at the weekends! If you want, you can catch me on MSN @! Take care and enjoy you browse around this GAD123 Page!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Heroes Transform Our Public Transport System...
Current Mood :: 
Current Music ::
E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
TODAY'S LINKS :: Awesome Skittles Commercial :: Quit Complaining About Your Job :: Free Management Library :: Charlie Brown? Manga designs woah, what the fuq! :: Cute little animals :: Top end iPhone = $3,515
REMEMBER KID'S :: "I'm going to graduate on time, no matter how long it takes!
GAD123 Blog * GAD123 Bebo Page * GAD123 MySpace
GAD123 Mobile Phone Pic's * GAD123 Stumble Upon Page
GAD123 FaceBook
* PlayStation®3 Gaming Tag [add me] - GAD123 *
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E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
1st off, Heroes starts tonight on BBC2, just bloody watch it, best TV show of the year! Hero rocks!!
I watched Transformers on Saturday night, not nearly as dark as I had hoped, a little cheesy maybe, funny even, that's not what I expected really but hey, the reason to check it out is for the special FX and big robots fighting. This, it does with ease, the fights could not really be improved upon and it's open for a sequel, just bring it!!
Todays rant is about the public transport system. I don't know what it's like in England but ministers are set to announce billions of pounds to remove bottlenecks and increase capacity on the railways. Cost does not seem an issue, everyone is using public transport and they need to expand to seemingly cope with demand! Here in N.I. we have new trains, great busses, plenty of routes but it's so expensive you can only use it if forced too. It's actually cheaper to drive and what use is that to the environment? If you buy a monthly ticket, and travel to the City I can see that you may save a little but come on, is this incentive enough to share a carriage with the Proletariat, I think not!
There must be a way to bring down fares and then you may tempt me. I walk past the bus stop, in the town I work every morning on my way to the corner shop for milk and a cig, and there are only kids and oldies there, paying reduced fares or free with there buss pass! I actually watched this morning 2 busses drive past with not one passenger on board!!? What's that about, is that what a full fare paying passenger is subsidising? I think it's wholly possible to look at the service, reduce rates and make it a more attractive service to use, ergo, more passengers, revenue and less car usage!
Finally I set up my PlayStation®3, hooked up seamlessly with Vista and streaming media from Media Player 11 is a doodle, even using my PSP wirelessly to view videos stored on my PC. High Def cable and games come today and tonight I will hook that up with the optical digital out to my sound system and Bob's you uncle! Played some demos I downloaded last night in SD and I can happily say I am very pleased but bring on HD and HD movies (Blu-Ray), imagine Blade Runner *cries a little*. My Gaming Tag is - GAD123 so don't forget to add me!
I watched Transformers on Saturday night, not nearly as dark as I had hoped, a little cheesy maybe, funny even, that's not what I expected really but hey, the reason to check it out is for the special FX and big robots fighting. This, it does with ease, the fights could not really be improved upon and it's open for a sequel, just bring it!!
Todays rant is about the public transport system. I don't know what it's like in England but ministers are set to announce billions of pounds to remove bottlenecks and increase capacity on the railways. Cost does not seem an issue, everyone is using public transport and they need to expand to seemingly cope with demand! Here in N.I. we have new trains, great busses, plenty of routes but it's so expensive you can only use it if forced too. It's actually cheaper to drive and what use is that to the environment? If you buy a monthly ticket, and travel to the City I can see that you may save a little but come on, is this incentive enough to share a carriage with the Proletariat, I think not!
There must be a way to bring down fares and then you may tempt me. I walk past the bus stop, in the town I work every morning on my way to the corner shop for milk and a cig, and there are only kids and oldies there, paying reduced fares or free with there buss pass! I actually watched this morning 2 busses drive past with not one passenger on board!!? What's that about, is that what a full fare paying passenger is subsidising? I think it's wholly possible to look at the service, reduce rates and make it a more attractive service to use, ergo, more passengers, revenue and less car usage!
Finally I set up my PlayStation®3, hooked up seamlessly with Vista and streaming media from Media Player 11 is a doodle, even using my PSP wirelessly to view videos stored on my PC. High Def cable and games come today and tonight I will hook that up with the optical digital out to my sound system and Bob's you uncle! Played some demos I downloaded last night in SD and I can happily say I am very pleased but bring on HD and HD movies (Blu-Ray), imagine Blade Runner *cries a little*. My Gaming Tag is - GAD123 so don't forget to add me!
TODAY'S LINKS :: Awesome Skittles Commercial :: Quit Complaining About Your Job :: Free Management Library :: Charlie Brown? Manga designs woah, what the fuq! :: Cute little animals :: Top end iPhone = $3,515
REMEMBER KID'S :: "I'm going to graduate on time, no matter how long it takes!
GAD123 Blog * GAD123 Bebo Page * GAD123 MySpace
GAD123 Mobile Phone Pic's * GAD123 Stumble Upon Page
GAD123 FaceBook
* PlayStation®3 Gaming Tag [add me] - GAD123 *
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Spending Money Is Depressing...
Current Mood :: 
Current Music ::
E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
TODAY'S LINKS :: Top Idiots :: Geek Squad Stealing Customer’s “Data” :: Serial Numbers for every kind of Software you can imagine :: Sim Abandonware.. Resurrection! :: Why I Don't Care That I'm Killing Music :: TV Theme Songs
REMEMBER KID'S :: "Allow me to introduce my selves!"
Current Music ::
E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
I was supposed to post this yesterday but never mind, reading through it and my last posts I think we could do with some fun here but anyway;
God bloody Monday again, how depressing?! How many times have we heard that? It does not really mean that you are depressed, it's an off the cuff every day phrase, right? I am not so sure. It might just be me - please someone correct me on this because I am just talking from my own, recent experience and I am not belittling anyone who is suffering as it must be a complete mare to deal with - but is everyone depressed? Maybe I should quantify that, why are most of the ladies I come in to contact with depressed? Seriously I know so many that have been diagnosed by their Doctor as being depressed. Why is that? I mean I can think of like 1 guy, compared with like 50% of the women I know! Is it the pressures of being a modern women in the naughties? Which is funny, because YOU feminists asked for this, career, kids, home maker, whatever! Is it the Doctor / Patient relationship? A loss of coping skills? The weather?
Maybe more men feel this way but just don't speak about it, we have all seen those TV Ads aimed mainly at men with the tag line "Look after your mental health"! Is it better to suffer in silence? Is it that MORE women really suffer with this disease or is it just that I find myself friends with them? I am really just thinking allowed here but I have two questions that I would like answered. The first is how come I rarely heard about it 10 years ago and now it seems like it's everywhere? The second is why do so many women seem to suffer from this condition? I bet if I visited my Doc today and explained that I don't sleep, spent the whole weekend in my house alone, getting trashed, stuffing myself with junk food and can't be bothered going to work on a Monday morning that I too would be found to have a mental illness! Obviously I would fail to mention that I actually had quite a nice weekend and was happy to do that!
The reason I mention all that today is the uncertain time that I face. I have been talking about it for years and now it's fast approaching, some people will know what that is and some will not but it's coming and I will need to make life changing decisions and I just don't know what to do. I like the status quo and find the whole thing very depressing saddening!
Contrary to the above, thinking about my future, needing to be careful with money and that, I bought a Play Station 3 but I will talk about that more when it arrives! I can justify this purchase all I want (It was a VERY good deal) but on top of holidays, entertaining visitors, etc I am spending a lot of cash. Obviously being single again, not doing restaurants, pub, clubbing, dates, presents, etc is saving a fortune but I NEED to reel it in a bit before I am officially skint!
God bloody Monday again, how depressing?! How many times have we heard that? It does not really mean that you are depressed, it's an off the cuff every day phrase, right? I am not so sure. It might just be me - please someone correct me on this because I am just talking from my own, recent experience and I am not belittling anyone who is suffering as it must be a complete mare to deal with - but is everyone depressed? Maybe I should quantify that, why are most of the ladies I come in to contact with depressed? Seriously I know so many that have been diagnosed by their Doctor as being depressed. Why is that? I mean I can think of like 1 guy, compared with like 50% of the women I know! Is it the pressures of being a modern women in the naughties? Which is funny, because YOU feminists asked for this, career, kids, home maker, whatever! Is it the Doctor / Patient relationship? A loss of coping skills? The weather?
Maybe more men feel this way but just don't speak about it, we have all seen those TV Ads aimed mainly at men with the tag line "Look after your mental health"! Is it better to suffer in silence? Is it that MORE women really suffer with this disease or is it just that I find myself friends with them? I am really just thinking allowed here but I have two questions that I would like answered. The first is how come I rarely heard about it 10 years ago and now it seems like it's everywhere? The second is why do so many women seem to suffer from this condition? I bet if I visited my Doc today and explained that I don't sleep, spent the whole weekend in my house alone, getting trashed, stuffing myself with junk food and can't be bothered going to work on a Monday morning that I too would be found to have a mental illness! Obviously I would fail to mention that I actually had quite a nice weekend and was happy to do that!
The reason I mention all that today is the uncertain time that I face. I have been talking about it for years and now it's fast approaching, some people will know what that is and some will not but it's coming and I will need to make life changing decisions and I just don't know what to do. I like the status quo and find the whole thing very depressing saddening!
Contrary to the above, thinking about my future, needing to be careful with money and that, I bought a Play Station 3 but I will talk about that more when it arrives! I can justify this purchase all I want (It was a VERY good deal) but on top of holidays, entertaining visitors, etc I am spending a lot of cash. Obviously being single again, not doing restaurants, pub, clubbing, dates, presents, etc is saving a fortune but I NEED to reel it in a bit before I am officially skint!
TODAY'S LINKS :: Top Idiots :: Geek Squad Stealing Customer’s “Data” :: Serial Numbers for every kind of Software you can imagine :: Sim Abandonware.. Resurrection! :: Why I Don't Care That I'm Killing Music :: TV Theme Songs
REMEMBER KID'S :: "Allow me to introduce my selves!"
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Pet Connection Northern Ireland and Things...
Current Mood :: 
Current Music ::
E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
Current Music ::
E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
Well that's the holidays done and dusted and I really wish I had something exciting to tell you all but in fact I just kept my head down and hid from the world, watched a lot of movies, slept during the daylight, drank a fair bit and lived off complete junk food! Needless to say I am back at work (on Monday) and suffering, lack of sleep, bloated, drowsy, I really don't recommend it!
Played Poker last night in Wolseys, it's a great, friendly and fun get together. I was doing OK, rubbish cards like last week and eventually went all in with pocket Q's, called with AK, flop comes AKA and my night is over, goodbye! There is always next week...
So on to The Pet Connection Northern Ireland. A buddy of mine (Clare) has set up a pet walking / minding / caring service in the Belfast area. The rates are very fair and she just loves animals. So if you don't have time to walk your dog, don't want to leave you pet at kennels or just want someone to pop in from time to time while you are at work, look her up at!
TODAY'S LINKS :: Don’t talk on the phone during a live performance VIDEO :: Default Router Password Database :: Growing number of couples opting not to have children :: 15 Hilarious Graffitis :: Flip Writing
REMEMBER KID'S :: "West Virginia: One million people, and 15 last names?!"
Played Poker last night in Wolseys, it's a great, friendly and fun get together. I was doing OK, rubbish cards like last week and eventually went all in with pocket Q's, called with AK, flop comes AKA and my night is over, goodbye! There is always next week...
So on to The Pet Connection Northern Ireland. A buddy of mine (Clare) has set up a pet walking / minding / caring service in the Belfast area. The rates are very fair and she just loves animals. So if you don't have time to walk your dog, don't want to leave you pet at kennels or just want someone to pop in from time to time while you are at work, look her up at!
TODAY'S LINKS :: Don’t talk on the phone during a live performance VIDEO :: Default Router Password Database :: Growing number of couples opting not to have children :: 15 Hilarious Graffitis :: Flip Writing
REMEMBER KID'S :: "West Virginia: One million people, and 15 last names?!"
Friday, July 06, 2007
Last Post For A Week...
Current Mood :: 
Current Music ::
E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
Current Music ::
E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
So I am off all next week for the 12th July holidays here and that will probably mean that I will not post that week, boo hoo you say!
Not much to talk about tho, tonight off to John's, Sat I will be watching the Live Earth event, it's on BBC TV: 12.30pm - 4.00am, where you'll be able to see the London concert and highlights from around the world on BBC ONE and BBC TWO. So I will be watching that and drinking beer all day. The line up is fantastic, some of the highlights for me are:
Beastie Boys ~ Bloc Party ~ Corinne Bailey Rae ~ Duran Duran ~ Foo Fighters ~ Genesis ~ Kasabian ~ Keane ~ Madonna ~ Metallica ~ Razorlight ~ Red Hot Chili Peppers ~ Snow Patrol ~ Akon ~ Bon Jovi ~ Kanye West ~ The Police ~ Wolfmother ~ Snoop Dogg ~ Rihanna
Sunday we have the British GP and that leads me in to next week, no plans really except Poker on Tuesday night. Amy is away on hols all week too so that sucks but such is life!
Have a fun weekend everyone and I will be on MSN as usual!
TODAY'S LINKS :: World Clock and Info :: Yotel - I wanna stay there! :: Live Earth :: Tower defence - You will loose your life if you play this... :: Relations Break Down Between U.S. And Them :: Comic Vine
REMEMBER KID'S :: "Your kid may be an Honour Student, but YOU'RE still an idiot!"
Not much to talk about tho, tonight off to John's, Sat I will be watching the Live Earth event, it's on BBC TV: 12.30pm - 4.00am, where you'll be able to see the London concert and highlights from around the world on BBC ONE and BBC TWO. So I will be watching that and drinking beer all day. The line up is fantastic, some of the highlights for me are:
Beastie Boys ~ Bloc Party ~ Corinne Bailey Rae ~ Duran Duran ~ Foo Fighters ~ Genesis ~ Kasabian ~ Keane ~ Madonna ~ Metallica ~ Razorlight ~ Red Hot Chili Peppers ~ Snow Patrol ~ Akon ~ Bon Jovi ~ Kanye West ~ The Police ~ Wolfmother ~ Snoop Dogg ~ Rihanna
Sunday we have the British GP and that leads me in to next week, no plans really except Poker on Tuesday night. Amy is away on hols all week too so that sucks but such is life!
Have a fun weekend everyone and I will be on MSN as usual!
TODAY'S LINKS :: World Clock and Info :: Yotel - I wanna stay there! :: Live Earth :: Tower defence - You will loose your life if you play this... :: Relations Break Down Between U.S. And Them :: Comic Vine
REMEMBER KID'S :: "Your kid may be an Honour Student, but YOU'RE still an idiot!"
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
It's A Bloody Post - Shut Up...
Current Mood :: 
Current Music ::
E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
Current Music ::
E-Mail GAD123 :: E-Mail GAD123
How good were the last 3 episodes of Doc Who, "Here come the drums, here come the drums, baby, baby, baby...." Just brill! It's the first time I have enjoyed it since Rose left, roll on the next season and a new companion, I believe!
It's just ironic, Northern Ireland enters a new phase just as Mainland UK starts to take a step back in time to the old days of good old fashion heavy handed policing and the potential for your next door neighbour to be a terrorist!
It was not that long ago that towns were shut at 11pm with barriers on ever street, stop and search check points where set up randomly and every shop you went in to had burly security guards searching you! No one cared about the violation of our human rights and to top it off we now have former terrorists running our country. I really don't feel anything concerning what is going on in the mainland right now and, as I have become accustomed, did not notice anything mildly shocking in the news over the weekend, it's all a bit, well, been there, done that! To be honest it all seems a little OTT, these guys are not the IRA and should be fairly easy to stop, yes?
I had the 'pleasure' of flying to England recently and the checks at the airport where just unbelievable. Of course being a single with guy, coming form N.I. and clearly looking like a terrorist, I had my photograph taken and was tracked through that whole airport. I felt a bit violated and now there are talks of putting similar checks in place on the Tube and Trains, what a mess!
It looks like what has happened here has been a waste of time, all those lives lost and what is there to show for it, we are still part of the UK and it looks like nothing has been learnt dealing with the terrorism threat here over the decades! It's a sad state of affairs.
Oh played poker last night, went to a chip count and lost by the smallest or margins, maybe one less hand or one more and I would have had it *gutted* Thanks for the game Kayeso!
TODAY'S LINKS :: 10 Most Dangerous Toys of All Time! :: The Teenage Dream Pad :: Get a Life Mate! :: A fairly detailed guide to creating various eye forms for your Manga characters :: The Cat Day - 751 :: Eighteen Love Signs
REMEMBER KID'S :: "Save the whales! Trade them for valuable prizes."
It's just ironic, Northern Ireland enters a new phase just as Mainland UK starts to take a step back in time to the old days of good old fashion heavy handed policing and the potential for your next door neighbour to be a terrorist!
It was not that long ago that towns were shut at 11pm with barriers on ever street, stop and search check points where set up randomly and every shop you went in to had burly security guards searching you! No one cared about the violation of our human rights and to top it off we now have former terrorists running our country. I really don't feel anything concerning what is going on in the mainland right now and, as I have become accustomed, did not notice anything mildly shocking in the news over the weekend, it's all a bit, well, been there, done that! To be honest it all seems a little OTT, these guys are not the IRA and should be fairly easy to stop, yes?
I had the 'pleasure' of flying to England recently and the checks at the airport where just unbelievable. Of course being a single with guy, coming form N.I. and clearly looking like a terrorist, I had my photograph taken and was tracked through that whole airport. I felt a bit violated and now there are talks of putting similar checks in place on the Tube and Trains, what a mess!
It looks like what has happened here has been a waste of time, all those lives lost and what is there to show for it, we are still part of the UK and it looks like nothing has been learnt dealing with the terrorism threat here over the decades! It's a sad state of affairs.
Oh played poker last night, went to a chip count and lost by the smallest or margins, maybe one less hand or one more and I would have had it *gutted* Thanks for the game Kayeso!
TODAY'S LINKS :: 10 Most Dangerous Toys of All Time! :: The Teenage Dream Pad :: Get a Life Mate! :: A fairly detailed guide to creating various eye forms for your Manga characters :: The Cat Day - 751 :: Eighteen Love Signs
REMEMBER KID'S :: "Save the whales! Trade them for valuable prizes."
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