Before I go any further I must tell you all that after an absence of about a year Pandairo is back online. I have no idea how here survived but welcome back Auld Steve - O!
Have you all heard the song by Lil' Chris called Checkin It Out? It's a great track, especially considering he is only 15! I have no idea what his other stuff is like but I am going to check it out. His site is very good too.
Chinese GP is on ITV this weekend, I can't wait tho getting up at 6am to watch it live will be tough! Maybe as last year I will just stay up all night. Here are the times for you:
- Qualifying: Saturday 30 September 1510-1655 ITV1
- Live race: Sunday 1 October 0600-0900 ITV1
- Race re-run: Sunday 1 October 1330-1600 ITV1
- Highlights: Monday 2 October 0015-0115 ITV1
- Highlights: Tuesday 3 October 0340-0430 ITV4
Apart from watching that this weekend, I am off on Friday, my last day off till Xmas so that will be nice, a lie in and all that. In the evening Dimples (get well soon sick girl) and I are off to the Cinema, probably Clerks II or Snakes, I would love to see the Jack Ass movie tho! Later that evening I will be playing lots of cool music with my Bose system, maybe watch WWE Unforgivin PPV and playing online poker, late in to the night! Saturday I am going to lie in and lazy, following that through to Sunday evening, punctuated by the F1 race! Have a nice day y'all.
TODAY'S LINKS :: MoBlog - My life in photo's - UPDATED :: 50 Best XP Tips Ever :: Dot Mobie Anyone :: Tom & Jerry Game :: Trail Fire Tags
MYsPACE OF THE DAY :: Lily Allen
REMEMBER KID'S :: "I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert!"