Here is a semi-interesting but thoroughly depressing conversation that I was having with myself recently. I seem to have an unjudgemental personality that lets people open up to me, I also understand relevancy and can put peoples problems in context, I've heard it and seen it all and find it very interesting, the wide range of things that upset and practically destroy people. On the flip side I must say I have seen people completely turn their life around after a bad episode of their life. So what, if anything is the single worst thing that can happen - or can't as the case may be - in life?
I have personally experience nothing, well nothing major the way I see it at all, I never worry and tend to be relaxed about life but lets break it down so you know what I am talking about. Some of these may seem stupid but try to put yourself in the position.
- Being ill or loosing your health in some way, maybe paralysed or living with HIV. Blindness or deafness, mental health issues or being depressed.
- Being alone. Loosing your family young and having to face the word with only friends as support.
- Relationship troubles, being single, never finding a partner, anyone who wants you. Getting dumped or divorced. Being in an abusive relationship. 'LOVE' problems!
- Money worries, deep in debt and seemingly no way out.
- Unemployment, lack of qualifications, redundancy.
That is all I can think of off the top of my head and I agree that a lot of them are inter linked! Everyone says that health is the single most important thing in life but is this true? For me, yes it is. If I have 2 arms and 2 legs and my brain is able to move them it's highly probable that everything else can be achieved. That sounds fair and I bet a lot of people would agree, so why do people generally not think like this, why worry about life, why get so down on things that are out of your control and if they are in your control, why not just change it?! Is the suffering we put ourselves through a product of the naughties or new generation Y concern? Are we to take opinion polls seriously and read in to them i.e. that nearly 40% of teens want plastic surgery, therefore are insecure, where is that going to lead, how will they cope? I just don't know! The way I see it is no matter how bad it gets there is always someone worse off striving for a better life!
I suspect people open up to me and don't let any of these issues out normally. They may just not be the big deal I think or they have made them out to be but I really fear for what's coming and the kids of today. It is the best, most fun, carefree time of your life, how could this be happening and if they can't cope now how are they going to get the skills to cope with the real problems life throws up! I think we all need to lighten up and enjoy life as much as possible and if you are a kid, then act like a kid and don't try to grow up to fast.
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REMEMBER KID'S :: "I found Jesus - he was behind the sofa all the time"